Friday, November 19, 2010

God surprises and curiosities...

Yesterday, I awoke early for my walk. I'd heard it was the last night for the Leonid meteor showers. I saw an article, while I was looking up the spelling, stating that the show may not have dazzled but still caught the eye. *pfft* I was dazzled! I saw more shooting stars this summer than ever in my whole life! And God kindly blessed me with one more as I stepped out the gate in the early morning hours. It had me thinking of Tolkien's Bilbo quote: "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door," he used to say. "You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to."

Later, I was grocery shopping. When I approached the register with my very full cart a woman arrived right behind me with a handheld basket not even a quarter full. I offered to let her go ahead of me. She told me it wasn't necessary, but I told her I didn't mind. She thanked me and went ahead. Then, as I put my first item on the belt, a man stepped into line behind me with two items in his hands. Again, I offered to let him go ahead. He told me he didn't really need to, and I assured him that it would give me time to get things on the belt. He thanked me and went ahead. I was almost done loading, and the cashier was preparing to check me out when a woman with a cart that was half full came up behind me. It didn't make any sense to let her go ahead, so I finished putting things on the belt as the cashier began to check me out. Another women, with a few items in her hand joined the line. The two women behind me began grumbling about how long it was taking and how ridiculous it was that there was only one cashier. I found it amusing that the two people who didn't care were given the opportunity to go ahead and the two people who wanted things to move faster were forced to wait. It may have been something for them to learn; it may have been something for me to learn. It may mean something; it may mean nothing at all. A curiosity.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to get out in my backyard to look - I do so love this 'display' - but I couldn't get my body to agree with my mind and heart. Glad someone got to see them! Blessings


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.