Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Some things that made me smile...

Yesterday, I updated my computer. I was so frustrated when my internet connection crashed, repeatedly. What happened? What kind of update was this? Fortunately, I've learned to email my sister. She doesn't always have the answer, but she does give moral support and helps me remember that it isn't me that's the problem. Then, today, on Facebook, someone else mentioned having trouble with their internet connection, yesterday, with the same company. It wasn't me! It wasn't even my computer!! It was THEM! I love my computer!!

On a different note, I wanted to express my appreciation and pride in my dad. We have had feral cats in the neighborhood for years. Last April or May, one of the cats had kittens, in a back corner of the house. My dad accepted responsibility, and searched for help, then made all the arrangements to "fix" the cats, so there wouldn't be anymore. He was frustrated because he only caught two the first try, then only one. This last weekend, he was making one more attempt. I prayed to God for my dad's success. God hears and answers prayers. Dad caught the other five. Thank you, God, for unexpected blessings.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.