Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rumor: 42% turned out to vote... if you voted, yesterday, GOOD FOR YOU! You are part of the ruling aristocracy. :-) Even if what you wanted didn't succeed, you made your voice heard.

Have I mentioned how much I'm enjoying no campaign ads? I learned something this time around: Truth in advertising does not apply to campaign ads. The difference this year? I'd done my homework. I knew which ads were true and which were twisted so as to be barely recognizable. I used to turn them off in disgust. This time I watched and made sure I had the facts. Somehow the label "sheeple" doesn't sit well with me.

I laughed when I heard someone say that campaign ads aren't about the candidate but about what they think of you. Ummm... isn't that the general rule of advertising? When I complain to my advertising sibling that this or that commercial is really stupid, said sibling looks at me with a "duh" expression and says, "They aren't targeting you." Oh. So, should I be offended that I'm being left out or relieved?


  1. ah, the airwaves......they seemed so clean and pure today....Now for the street corners!

  2. I'm voting for relieved. Or is that a rhetorical question with no opportunity to vote?


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.