Friday, June 13, 2014

Food follow up...

Friday, rice crispies with milk and coconut milk, homemade hamburger, potato salad, SunChips, Carnation Instant Breakfast, cold pizza (yummy!), lemon pie, chocolate. All things considered, I did better today.

Saturday... and life happened.

Actually, it was officially announced my prints are going to print, as soon as I format, edit, and submit them... well, and are scheduled after that.

However, I actually love editing. It's intense. I disappear into my work and forget to eat, sort of. I keep it simple and easy. Sandwiches work.

Basically every day: Rice crispies, sandwich, CIB, sandwich, chips, chocolate.

2 books done, 4 to go.

Tough Luck is almost ready to go to print. The fourth novella in the series with no end planned.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.