Saturday, June 21, 2014

My Heroes... Thomas M'Kean...

His father was from Ireland, and his family moved to America before he was born. He proved himself a bright student and pursued law, as many Founding Fathers did. What I find interesting is that law inspired their fight for freedom from oppression but what they accomplished reached far beyond being a lawyer. He served in myriad positions, at the request of the people, not seeking the office for himself. In one case, the people accepted his decision to decline serving so asked him to recommend other men to serve. Those men were voted in by an obvious majority. His law firm chose to not used stamped paper to protest the Stamp Act. Serving in Congress, he also served in the military. He supported the Declaration of Independence but didn't sign it until October because he was serving with General Washington. He moved his family five times in one year because the enemy was hunting him. There were those who honored and admired him and those who disliked him to the point of seeking to impeach him when he was Governor of the Common Wealth. It remained indefinitely postponed.

I'm ever astonished by how incredibly busy these men were. They often did not seek the positions they ended up serving in. They did what needed to be done.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.