Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Having admitted defeat...'s the good news: I'm okay with not eating Oreos. I don't deprive myself of sweets. I make different choices, like Dove Chocolate, Godiva Chocolate, hot chocolate with biscotti. The possibilities are endless. I enjoy them all and am able to exercise self-control. Win-win.

I love having hamburgers more often now that I'm eating more protein. Homemade hamburgers. Chicken and turkey, I'm also discovering I really enjoy both.

The adventure is... unexpected, and fun.

I enjoy collecting place settings. Part of my collection, with rice:

This is one of my favorites:


  1. Your dishes are beautiful!

    I'm not sure I would call avoiding Oreos altogether a defeat -- sounds more like a victory to me, because being strong enough to not eat something that you are weak against when it is present is dealing with it successfully. :-) It's good that there are other things you can turn to that are easier to control!

    1. Thank you!

      I like your perspective on winning the battle with Oreos. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.