Saturday, June 28, 2014

My Heroes... Samuel Chase...

Another Founding Father who studied law, after his father saw to it he was well educated. At an early age, he demonstrated his unwillingness to bow to the wisdom of men but chose truth. He opposed the Stamp Act and rather than bend to the degradation of his "betters," he garnered greater notoriety by refusing to compromise.

What a change from what is seen in today's politicians who bend with every wind of change, endeavoring to please everyone.

Instead, the Founding Fathers held to and fought for the truth, for liberty, for freedom for all, an opportunity to be what one's heart desired. No guarantees of success or fairness. Only an opportunity to attempt without hinderance from those who believed themselves smarter, better.

Also indicative of the Founding Fathers, he did not make politics his life career. He served for a time and moved on to other things. It makes me aware of how stagnant are the majority of those serving in Washington, those who have spent decades doing the exact same job. If they're so good at what they do, why are things little changed?

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.