Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday follow up...

Yay! Tarnished Knight is started and on its way.

Grace's Possibilities, the fourth book in the Endless Possibilities series, is available wherever ebooks are sold.

My books will be available in paperback in August.

I received the cover art for Finding Home, the fourth book in The Silver Locket Sisterhood series. Carol Fiorillo is a wonderful cover artist.


  1. Such lovely book covers!

    Good to hear that things are under way for your next project and that you have (most if not all) your editing behind you!

    I'm recovering from our big day on Saturday -- everything went well and the torrential downpour of rain we had held off until 5:30 pm just after we had cleared the street of all our block party stuff. God is good! Now I'm gathering the threads of my old projects that got pushed to the side for the last few months -- including some writing, I hope! You're setting me a good example in writing perseverance! <3

    1. What a wonderful blessing! I'm so happy to hear it went well! Yay! God is good. Yes, do some writing! Boromir must be beside himself. ;-)

  2. The book covers are very eye catching! hugs~


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.