Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A bit of cheer...

Listening to K-LOVE this morning, on the radio, they were sharing celebrating God events. There was the couple, just this week, that ordered pizza. The husband had a heart attack, and the wife called 9-1-1. The doorbell rang immediately. The pizza delivery man had recently moved to the area and was looking for a job as a paramedic. God sent a professional. They also shared the story of the woman who had the feeling she should double glove while she was driving. She didn't question it. Then she saw a woman fallen on the roadway. A parking space was available. She hopped out and started helping the woman out of the street, but the woman kept telling her not to touch her because she had hepatitis C. She was able to smile and assure her that she was safe.

The stories cheered my whole day. I've heard inspirational stories that turned out not to be true, and the warm fuzziness disappeared. But to hear true stories of miracles lifts my spirit. It saw me through my work and defrosting the fridge, which took a whole lot longer than I planned. It's done, and I don't have to think about it again for a while. Good news all around.

Worked on a personal project. Seeing it progress is encouraging.

I'm also realizing that as I endeavor to be honest with myself, I'm learning more than I ever imagined. I've tried all kinds of things to help me gain control of my eating. I was once criticized for treating my life like a pizza, clumping everything together. I was repeatedly reminded that I need to separate things out and tackle them individually. Well, it doesn't work well for me. I need my pizza, though it's good to be more aware of the individual things needed to make it yummy. I love ice cream. (You're wondering where this is going.) I go without buying it for months at a time because I have so little control with ice cream. I'll buy a pint that's supposed to be four servings and consider myself extremely restrained when it's two servings instead of one. I've found a solution I know will work for me. Water N' Ice has 99 cent Tuesday, where a scoop of ice cream is 99 cents. I go about once a month. That would be more than a enough for me to not feel like I'm being deprived. Learning about myself and how I think and respond is becoming a lot more fun.


  1. I love K-Love just for that reason and yeah for you figuring out what works for your with icecream. It is my kryptonite too!

  2. I LOVE this story re the 911. Thank you!!!

  3. Found that at the Finding Home blog.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.