Saturday, July 17, 2010

Permanently on the menu...

Lavender pancakes. Yep, noticed a difference in the level of my back pain between the days I had them and the days I don't. Now, I know it isn't the pancakes, it's the lavender, but what a delicious way to have the lavender. I'll eventually explore other possibilities, but for now, I'm content to enjoy the pancakes.

Over and over and over, it is advised that one eat 5-6x a day, in small meals and snacks. I gain weight, probably because I end up grazing all day long. Those who know me well know how apt that description truly is. As a child, I preferred being a horse. Be that as it may, I lose weight when I pay attention to how I feel, as in allowing myself to become a little hungry. I actually like that slightly hollow feeling; the food somehow tastes better if I'm a little hungry. When I follow the eat every three or four hours I never really have that opportunity to become hungry. I'm eating because I'm supposed to as opposed to eating because I want to, and then old habits kick in, to eat because you're not sure when you'll be able to eat again. Long story.

I am pleased to realize that I'm learning to use what I have, as opposed to simply storing it "just in case." Keeping that thought in mind and the decision Thursday not to buy the ice cream simply because it was on sale and I had coupons, I went through my coupons and threw out all the ice cream ones. I like it once in a while, but it trashes my healthy eating every single time I have easy access to it. I'm not a health nut by any stretch of the imagination. I have the little pudding Snackpacks that I like, but I'd never eat all four in one sitting, like going through a pint of ice cream. I love my homemade hot chocolate with a splash of Irish Cream flavored CoffeeMate or International Delight coffee creamer. Nope, don't drink coffee, but the creamer is fantastic. A few marshmallows in the cocoa and a bit of biscotti for dunking. Delish! I have my Dove Promise pieces, but I'm no longer keeping them in the pumpkin dish in my room. I have to hunt them down, and I've found they're easier to resist that way, but nice to have in one of those moments. I know all the diet gurus tout disposing of all sweets and treats. But I know me, and depriving me of treats leads to bingeing, which is definitely worse. Instead, I'm endeavoring to teach myself discipline without deprivation. We'll see how I do. I am doing better. As a child, I spent all my allowance on candy. I don't spend all my money on candy anymore, so progress is possible. :-) Here's to progress!

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.