Monday, July 26, 2010

TGIS #17 a day late, CD and reading list #26

Thank Goodness It's Sunday is a day late, this week, but still worth considering. Life happens.

~Being able to watch the storms, including lightening strikes, on my computer.

~Friends who remind me to trust God.

~Morning naps. They only happen very, very occasionally, so they are to be appreciated.

~The opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them. Useless without the Atonement.

~Unexpected opportunities. Friday, I discovered my bread-and-butter doctor would be out of town, for a week. Eep! Is that air backing up in my chest? Yep. Financially, it means re-arranging my budget a bit. Doable. Time-management wise, I suddenly have a huge amount of time... God has been nudging. I'm really listening this time, Lord.

Carpe Diem ~ Worked on a personal project, today. Re-evaluated my budget. A bit of reading catch up.

Reading ~ The Heiresses Baby by Lilian Darcy. She's on my must-buy list. Mary Sullivan's series "Home on the Ranch." I loved the first book, her debut, but her style has changed with each book, and it isn't my style. I finally decided to read a book one of my best friends gave me. Nicole Jordan's The Warrior. I was frustrated with the hero and the heroine. Frankly, I wanted to smack 'em both up side the head. I stuck with it. I'm glad I did, because the last half of the book wouldn't have been as good without that painful beginning. I've also re-started Max Lucado's Grace for the Moment. It's a daily devotional. I also read another chapter of The Gift of Fear and The Red Suit Diaries. Read part of chapters from Toxic Parents and Body Clutter.

Eye opening quote: "Love and laughter, not a sorrowful resignation mark real acceptance of My Will." --Two Listeners
I searched my mind for where this was in the scriptures, and remembered the admonition that we not live in sack cloth and ashes. Hmmm... so, I need a new wardrobe. I like the sound of that. :-)

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.