Monday, July 19, 2010

Carpe diem... and reading list #25

And so the experimenting begins, I added lavender to my milk, frozen banana, and chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast shake. It's all right, but prefer the pancakes so far. In my research, I discovered that Herbs de Provence include lavender, only it's used as a savory flavoring.

Worked on a long-term project.

I've done a bit of sorting through my TBR pile, finding a few books I've decided to give away, gathering series that I've been collecting and seeing if the sets are complete yet. Some yes, some no. Lucy Monroe's latest book arrived, The Greek's Pregnant Lover. It's the other half of the The Traditional Greek Husbands duet. Lucy has an incredible gift for writing conflict between the hero and heroine without them being nasty to each other. Even if they become angry, it's understandable and it's never the central conflict. Unlike books where they fight all the way through and then magically find harmony at the end of the book. Yep, I find that really annoying and a straight to the no list guarantee. I also read Justine Davis' first book One Last Chance. Harlequin has a series where they reprint a writer's first book. It's fun to see if the writing style has changed at all. I've noticed that with my favorites, it hasn't changed much. What I was attracted to when I put them on my yes list was present from the beginning.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.