Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Reading list #24

It's time to do a bit of catch up, though it's a relatively short list. I finished the Patt Marr series and loved it. Her last book was published back in 2008. I hope she'll have a new one out one of these days. Tried several new authors that simply didn't fit in with what I like. I did find one new author I liked, Susan Yarina. Best Man for the Job is a contemporary western. This is my brief book review at eharlequin's reading challenge: Lee Ann Waters and Clay Carter both apply for the same job as foreman of the Silver Rock Ranch. Lee Ann's advantage is that she's known the owner, Charlie Bruce, all her life. Clay, on the other hand, shares a lot of the same Cowboy philosophies as Charlie. Charlie likes them both and decides to give them a one-month trial, each showcasing their own styles, and may the best man win.

An unexpected and interesting development. My back isn't bothering me quite as much, ie, I'm able to pull myself out of bed, in the morning, without wanting to scream or bursting into tears. What a relief. I'm curious as to why. True, I use Mums Blend on my low back before bed. I trade off ibuprofen and Tylenol 8 hour, but I've done both those things before without much improvement. I cannot help but wonder if my morning routine of lavender pancakes has anything at all to do with the improvement. I know herbs have amazing properties, but I'm not sure if this might be one. I'm also wholly unwilling to go off the lavender pancakes to see if the severe morning back discomfort returns.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.