Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Late post...

It's been an educational day. I removed the group from my FaceBook because I learned some things I really didn't want to learn. My first mistake was that someone after me asked me to look up the companies. My first thought was "Do your own homework." Then I thought, "Why not check myself?" Should have listened to myself the first time. What I learned was that there are a lot of corporations that donate to Planned Parenthood. You can't actually do much of anything in life without at least one of them, if not several of them. That being said, I did my homework and the site that provided the list was iffy, as in one of the pages wasn't in English at all, and I couldn't find them listed anywhere but their site, not to mention that one of the companies listed was defunct back in 2001. Another site I found required that you pay for the list of companies. Understandable since it was costing them to mail it out, though I wondered why they didn't simply post it. Probably legal, and I think they mentioned it, but I knew I wouldn't pay for it myself, so didn't really worry about the reasons. Then I asked myself why I didn't simply check the PP website. 36% of their revenue comes from their own clinics. 34% comes from Government Grants. 24% comes from corporations and individual donations, and 6% from other. The government puts more in than all of Corporate America, put together. That's taxpayer money. Remember that the government doesn't put out money, they only take it in. So what are we going to do? Boycott ourselves? I really did not want to know this. I had posted the comments, at first, and then went back through and deleted every single one because it was so depressing. All I could think was "God have mercy on us all."

So, what do I do now? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm going to pray, a lot. I was always annoyed by the seemingly simplistic answer "Pray." Well, it's been an uncomfortable learning experience, being humbled usually is. Sometimes, all that's left to do is pray. I will endeavor to continue to make conscientious choices for good. It also drives home that I cannot save anyone else. Only the Atonement of Jesus Christ is soul saving, and He takes us individually. I deleted the posts because I didn't want to shake anyone's faith in doing good. Some would have been fine, but the forum was too impersonal to be sure of causing no harm. Fortunately, God's mercy is enough for any who reach for it. His hand is stretched out still, waiting for us to take it.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.