Today, I celebrate the day of my Savior's birthday. What joy to wake to thoughts of the story found in Luke (my favorite of the tellings). Because of my Savior, I need not for ever bear my follies. Through His Atonement, I may unburden myself by His blood, if only I will accept His gift. In choosing Christ, I choose to change my life. And each day, the choice is offered me anew. Today, I choose to be as I mean to go on. When I stumble and fall Christ is there to lift me and set me on my feet and help me on my way again. Though the choices are mine alone, God does not expect me walk alone. If I walk alone, it is because I turn my back on God. God never turns His back on His children. Ever. I may not understand why particular trials are mine, but God knows me and knows what will encourage me to stretch and grow. Will I allow myself to be placed in God's hands? I freely admit it's a frightening prospect sometimes, for like Mother Theresa, I frequently feel God has more faith in my abilities than I do. Then again, how am I to know how far I'm able to reach if sometimes I do not fall short? It's difficult sometimes to remember that God is there to comfort and lift me from the mud puddles, and all He truly asks is that I not give up.
The birth of Christ is about perfect love and hope. God loves me perfectly, and the hope I sometimes feel is so elusive and yet persistent isn't something that I create but a cherished gift from God. And like any gift, I may accept or reject it. Christ came to earth to save me from Hell, if I would but choose to follow Him. "Hell: Truth seen too late."
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Brain Dump
In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.
The Hobbit! Whoohoo!! Next December. iTunes has a lovely movie trailer that was posted at FaceBook.
- don't want to do something? I've mentioned, several times, that I have been struggling with the fact that my high school reun...
Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite ways to fall asleep, especially with the way life has been lately, is to envision myself in God's hands, resting my cheek against his palm. He's very comfortable.
As for choice... I've made it - once - and I really feel that's all that's needed. He's got a good memory.
All my love!