Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Murphy and O'Toole

Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, at the worst possible moment.

O'Toole's Commentary on Murphy's Law: Murphy was an optimist.

I had a complete meltdown almost a week ago. My counselor was offered his dream job. He wisely took it. However, I wasn't ready! Life happens. He assured me that I had learned to be emotionally independent, but I still needed to learn to be financially independent. I restrained myself from rolling my eyes and saying, "Duh!"

That being said, I've been putting in extra effort on my food storage. There's so much I can't do, but this I could, so I did. My dad quipped, "You're going to need a warehouse."

What I heard: "Why are you wasting your money on this?"

What I felt: Lazy and stupid because if I were industrious and smart, I would have figured out how to be financially independent long ago.

What was really going on: A lot of things.

So went the horrible, awful, really bad day, and brings us to today. God reminded me that He is aware of me. Picking up work, the traffic was horrendous, road work, drivers not paying attention, but God brought me home safely. Then my internet connection was interrupted. My connection to the world. I called Cox, and the techs were great. The first one helped me set up an appointment for someone to come to the house. Then, moments later, the God breeze: I remembered that a few days ago I'd accidentally kicked the cable, knocking the modem. It seemed the connection had come loose, and I hadn't realized. I set it to rights, and whoohoo! Internet connection. Called Cox back, and the tech was again great, canceling the appointment. What could they tell me? It works. Can't fix what isn't broke. Add to that, the mouse scrolling isn't working.

Be that as it may, work was accomplished. I had my connection. Whew! Did I question what I'd done wrong to have all this dumped on me? Oh, yea. Definitely. Then I reminded myself that Life Happens. I came to earth to learn and grow, and learning and growing isn't easy. I did not come for a vacation or to take it easy. I came to see if I would work to remember God and His teachings, to exercise faith because all was forgotten. Would I choose God's plan without the sure knowledge of being with Him? Or would I find Lucifer's plan more appealing that everyone be saved by being forced to do what's right? It's hard to choose to do good sometimes. Have I not, in the past, wailed for someone to tell me what to do? But now that I'm learning the value of free agency, I hope it isn't too late...

We had a saying in the mission field: If you wonder whether or not your mission is over? If you're still here, it isn't. The same is true of life: If you're still here, it isn't over.

On this day, the anniversary of the attack at Pearl Harbor, my thoughts and prayers are with our military personnel, all over the world, our warriors. May God bless them, and hold them in the palm of His hand.

1 comment:

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.