Tuesday, May 1, 2012

God Wink...

It dawned on me I hadn't seen my flashdrive since returning home. ACK! I called the hotel, and transferred me to housekeeping, since they took care of lost and found. All my work is on this flashdrive. I cried, and prayed it was safe. I looked in all the places it could be, and it wasn't there. I prayed it was found. Instead of only looking, I did an investigation by feel. I didn't know there was a hole in the lying of my leather backpack. It had slipped between. It's safe. Thanks, God!


  1. What a scary thing to happen! It was truly an answer to prayer that you found that hole in the lining and your flashdrive was actually there. I still remember losing our checkbook and finally finding it stuck between the side of an open cardboard box and its lid inside which the box was sitting. Only God could have directed me to actually look in such a place, lol!

    I hope you have recovered from your scare! <3

  2. Phew! I've had scares like that. Not fun at all. In fact, since the move, I can't find my checkbooks and ledgers. I've still got my current ones in my purse, but -- guess I'll have to call the bank. *grumble*

    1. Oh no! Hate that. My frustration with myself was when I put my checks is such a safe place I almost didn't find them. And that was without moving!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.