Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #103...

~Franklin Santagate 51 minute interview part 4 of 5 on It's a New Day:

~Learning to be bold, a little at a time.

~Amazing support from friends.

~First round of editing is done. Whew.

~This video came out this week. I'm not Catholic; I am standing with my Catholic friends.

1 comment:

  1. The Roman Catholic video was well-made and beautiful, but a simple review of anthropological liturature and writings on ancient history will show that the word 'marriage' is not used in quite so simple a fashion as the creators of the video want us to believe.
    Over a decade ago I came up with the one argument no one makes and no one takes the time to refute: if we discourage committed relationships between homosexuals, we encourage uncommitted relationships. Some homosexuals will have committed relationships anyway, but those who might have considered it an option have less reason to do so if such relationships are generally viewed (legally, politically, socially) as no better than sleeping around. The position of the church need not change on this, just as Buddhists need not eat chicken as a part of a campaign to promote free-range (as opposed to caged) chicken.
    I admit, I am as unhappy about the desire of the makers of the video to deny Unitarians the right to perform 'gay marriages' as I would an effort to force the Catholic Church to perform 'gay marriages'.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.