~Friends who see me through the darkest moments.
~Cooler weather!
~Writers who make me laugh.
~It's difficult to watch a favorite writer choose a new direction and know I don't want to follow. I'm grateful for the road we traveled together for so long. It's time for me to release my hold and find my own way. I'm strong enough to do so now. Thanks God.
~A friend who shares inspirational music. Dc Talk In the Light
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
My Heroes... John Adams, again...
Yes, I've chosen him before, but I learned something new. I did not know he was a fourth generation American. Wow. His ancestors came to America for freedom of religion. Henry Adams, his father's side, fled King Charles and the religious persecution and John Alden, his mother's side, was on the May-flower.
From birth to death, John Adams was a true Son of Liberty. He was in his 92nd year when he passed away on the 4th of July around the same time Thomas Jefferson also passed away. It was the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
From birth to death, John Adams was a true Son of Liberty. He was in his 92nd year when he passed away on the 4th of July around the same time Thomas Jefferson also passed away. It was the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Friday, September 28, 2012
So you know...
Blogger is being helpful, or not as the case may be. Sometimes it updates my blog roll, sometimes it doesn't. So, if I miss a post, it isn't because I wasn't interested. I use my blog roll to keep up, but it only helps if it works the way it was intended. But no, blogger knows best. It's determined to help me, even though I was very happy with the way things were and never asked for help. "If you can't make a product better, make it harder to get into (read: more complicated)." This gives the person in charge a sense of power. Not much a person can do about the narcissists controlling the computer programs, except laugh at them and figure out a way around their egocentric nonsense.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Week Sixty-Six of REAL...
Reminders: REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake
What Navy SEALs are required to do to make it into BUD/S:http://navyseal.s5.com/requirements.html
For a while, I'm going to try and keep track of my weight only when it goes down. It's too easy to start from the new higher weight.
The 21st: SEAL puppy rep. One-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep. Editing.
The 22nd: 2.5-mile walk and physical therapy.
The 23rd: Edit, all day long.
The 24th: SEAL puppy rep. One-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep.
The 25th: Finished edits. Whew.
The 26th: SEAL puppy rep.
The first picture was taken in February 2012. The second picture was taken in June 2012. Inspiration, at least to me:
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Smiles and frowns...
Too often, I forget the little things from day to day. I'm going to try "smiles and frowns," to see if it helps me become more aware of the little things.
One of the people I pass on my walks stopped me and checked to be sure I was the person who used to be a crossing guard. Yes, that's me. Then she told me I still had a wonderful smile. Thanks.
God has truly blessed me with the most awesome friends on the planet.
God has truly blessed me with the most awesome friends on the planet.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Natural products experiment...
I'm trying some of my natural products and sharing the results.
I bought liquid soap, cheap. I combined a bit with almond oil and lavender oil for my little soap dispenser. Unfortunately, the almond oil had gone rancid, so the soap has more of a rancid smell than a lavender smell. I won't make that mistake again.
Grape Seed Oil, purchased at the same time as the Almond Oil, was not rancid. Interesting. The Almond Oil was in a plastic bottle, while the Grape Seed Oil was in a glass bottle. I'll be keeping the Grape Seed Oil bottle for later use.
I used black tea to "wash" away some of the gray. I don't care for the smell. I prefer the chamomile/lavender blend. It's lighter, but I prefer the smell.
I used black tea to "wash" away some of the gray. I don't care for the smell. I prefer the chamomile/lavender blend. It's lighter, but I prefer the smell.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Carpe diem... editing...
I have no idea what happened in NASCAR. I have no idea what's going on at facebook. I'm behind on blogs. My email box is overflowing. I still have work to do for my regular work.
Must finish editing.
Must finish editing.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Thank goodness it's Sunday #121...
~I'm grateful I was able to use the old blogger format for as long as I was because I liked it a whole lot more than the new format. :-)
~Wonderful, amazing, incredible friends. Thank you.
~Lovely weather. What do you know, it really is fall.
~Awesome music.
~God's everlasting patience with a petulant child. Thank you, God.
~Wonderful, amazing, incredible friends. Thank you.
~Lovely weather. What do you know, it really is fall.
~Awesome music.
~God's everlasting patience with a petulant child. Thank you, God.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Happy Birthday Frodo and Bilbo...
The Bagginses are celebrating their birthday.
I have no idea where the photo is from. It was posted in a chat I visit. It does look yummy. :-)
I have no idea where the photo is from. It was posted in a chat I visit. It does look yummy. :-)
Friday, September 21, 2012
Wednesday: I woke up with my alarm clock, wide awake. Ate okay throughout the day, including a bit of cheese, though it's almost midnight. Editing always throws me off.
LOL! Editing took over my life.
Tuesday: I didn't well the first part of those days of editing. Then Sunday, everything changed. I knew what I needed to do and how to do it. Last night, I was in bed by 9. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I slept straight through to 5 this morning. I'm learning to look at things I crave, cookies, donuts, pie, etc, and I would say, "I don't want it." What a difference! It's a completely different feeling from saying, "I can't." I'm learning.
Wednesday: I woke at 2am and took over an hour to go back to sleep. My room was too warm. We're shifting from summer to winter, so the A/C doesn't turn on as often. Ate okay.
Thursday: Slept through last night. Took advice from rootstoblossom and ate a bit of cheese before bed. I'll try it for a while and see how it goes. I ate all right. It's only 8:30 at night, and I can barely keep my eyes open. I'm not going to fight it anymore.
Friday: Worked on writing, and careful about eating throughout the day.
Saturday/Sunday: Weekend in Prescott. I was more careful about my eating, choosing what I really wanted and not eating everything once I was full.
Monday: More editing is coming. I'm stressed.
Tuesday: I'm still stressing.
Wednesday: Stress eating.
Thursday: A little more sensible, today, sort of. I'm better about continuing to exercise and taking myself to bed at a reasonable hour, usually. Was caught up in editing until almost 11:30 last night. It isn't even 10pm tonight, and I'm yawning and not fighting it anymore. :-)
Tuesday: I'm still stressing.
Wednesday: Stress eating.
Thursday: A little more sensible, today, sort of. I'm better about continuing to exercise and taking myself to bed at a reasonable hour, usually. Was caught up in editing until almost 11:30 last night. It isn't even 10pm tonight, and I'm yawning and not fighting it anymore. :-)
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Week Sixty-Five of REAL...
Reminders: REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake
What Navy SEALs are required to do to make it into BUD/S:http://navyseal.s5.com/requirements.html
For a while, I'm going to try and keep track of my weight only when it goes down. It's too easy to start from the new higher weight.
The 14th: SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep.
The 15th: Writing weekend in Prescott. A lovely opportunity to escape the heat of the valley and enjoy time with writing friends.
The 16th: Home again. Amazing what a little time with good friends is able to do.
The 17th: SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep.
The 18th: 1.5-mile walk. Physical therapy.
The 19th: SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep.
The 20th: Measurements: Arms: 14.5, 14.5 Bust: 44 Waist: 39 Hips: 51 Thighs: 29 Calves: 18. One-mile walk. Physical therapy.
The 20th: Measurements: Arms: 14.5, 14.5 Bust: 44 Waist: 39 Hips: 51 Thighs: 29 Calves: 18. One-mile walk. Physical therapy.
The first picture was taken in February 2012. The second picture was taken in June 2012. Inspiration, at least to me:
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Coconut oil...
I'd heard it was good for you. I've heard this for years. I decided to try it.
What I've discovered already:
It's expensive. 31.5 fl oz for $8.39. However, it's taking me a long time to use it.
It's very light in flavor.
I use a lot less than when I use butter.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Kris Tualla...
As mentioned in yesterday's post, I spent a writers' weekend with Kris Tualla and Morgan Kearns. It was amazing. I learned a lot, including I want to do this again!
Kris and I, I think I've mentioned, joined RWA (Romance Writers of America) around the same time. She self published because agents and editors didn't believe anyone would buy Norwegian heroes. Her books are all focused on the same family: The Hansens, in different time periods. She has a gift for some amazing turns of phrase.
Kris and I, I think I've mentioned, joined RWA (Romance Writers of America) around the same time. She self published because agents and editors didn't believe anyone would buy Norwegian heroes. Her books are all focused on the same family: The Hansens, in different time periods. She has a gift for some amazing turns of phrase.
I finished Kris's book A Discreet Gentleman of Marriage, book 2 of the Discreet Gentleman series. Book 1 begins in 1720. In A Discreet Gentleman of Discovery, she introduces her deaf hero, Brander.
Her enthusiasm bubbles. She obviously loves her characters and her story. She's on my buy list. :-)
Her enthusiasm bubbles. She obviously loves her characters and her story. She's on my buy list. :-)
Monday, September 17, 2012
Carpe diem... and Carl...
NASCAR ~ Carl came in 19th. Pity.
The weekend was amazing. Kris Tualla, one of my writing friends, presented the four ways to publish a book and branding classes. Morgan Kearns, another writing friend, came as well. We spent the afternoon working on our various writing projects. I needed to outline two stories and two chapters. I didn't think I would finish. Two hours. With concentrated effort, it took me only two hours. I need to do this more often. I also need a laptop, so I'm able to do the writing I want to do. I've a better idea of what I'm capable of doing.
What needs to be done today:
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Thank Goodness It's Sunday #120...
~Blessed rain
~Edits complete and turned in
~Good books
~Amazing friends
~Unexpected opportunities.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
My Heroes... John Hancock...
What a remarkable man! He was orphaned at a young age and taken in by a successful uncle, who adored him, sending him to college and hiring him in his counting house. He not only stood for what he believed in, he stood first. He did not live in the shadows. Dynamic and tenacious, he championed the cause of freedom and liberty his whole life. He only lived to be 55 years old, but those years were full and well lived.
I'm not very far from 55. I can't change how I lived in the past, but I can change how I live in the future.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Anthony Robbins clips...
One of my friends has been sharing clips of Tony's speeches. I think I'm ready to listen and follow through. Like her, I don't agree with everything, but he opens the door to a new perspective, a new way for me to think.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Week Sixty-Four of REAL...
Reminders: REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake
What Navy SEALs are required to do to make it into BUD/S:http://navyseal.s5.com/requirements.html
For a while, I'm going to try and keep track of my weight only when it goes down. It's too easy to start from the new higher weight.
The 7th: weigh in: 233.6 lb. SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep. No surprise. Eating does not take precedence over editing.
The 8th: Two-mile walk and physical therapy. Edit
The 9th: Edit
The 10th: SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep. Edit
The 11th: One-mile walk. Physical therapy. I'm trying something new in my walking. I can't job, so I thought I couldn't do stuff like wind sprints. Silly me. I power walk, the whole pumping arm action. I also discovered I don't walk with my whole leg. Stop laughing. I didn't using my hips except for connecting my body and my legs. Now, think of power walkers. They walk funny. Admit it! You laugh when you watch it! I have been strolling all my life. Sometimes I stroll faster but still a strolling motion. We'll see how this addition to my exercise works out.
The 12th: SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep.
The 13th: Measurements: Arms: 14.5, 14 Bust: 44.5 Waist: 39 Hip: 51.5 Thighs: 29 Calves 18, 17.5. The brutal truth. Time to change. Time to be REAL and do the IMPOSSIBLE. 1.5-mile walk. Physical therapy.
The first picture was taken in February 2012. The second picture was taken in June 2012. Inspiration, at least to me:
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
The day after 9/11...
Eleven years ago, yesterday, the world changed...
I promised myself I would change.
I did.
I discovered my emotions and made friends with them.
I discovered the community of Lord of the Rings fans.
I discovered amazing new friends.
I discovered writing.
I discovered how difficult it was to stop lying, especially to myself.
What have I accomplished in 11 years?
God blessed me with guidance and gentle chastisement so I could recognize the lies in my life and stop lying.
God blessed me with amazing friends and a huge support system.
God blessed me with courage to pursue writing.
Peace with myself.
Abundant love.
Dreams realized.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Remember 9/11...
Never forgotten.
Almost 3,000 souls were lost : World Trade Center, First Responders, Four Commercial Flights, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania.
I woke up early that day, as I always did, so I could go out and take care of my horse before picking up my work. It had already started, and I didn't know. I groomed and grained my horse, like I did every single morning, for the previous four years. I was usually out there alone. Most of the other boarders came out in the evenings or on weekends. I enjoyed having the place to myself. It was my time to talk to God. How could I not be grateful when I was enjoying my horse's company and the quiet of the early morning?
One of the other boarders came out to work one of the horses early, and asked if I'd heard about the plane flying into the World Trade Center. I thought she was joking, in very poor taste. I didn't believe her. It was absurd. Ridiculous. Impossible. Then the owner of the property came out, and told us that the Pentagon had also been hit. I looked between them, and said, "You mean it's real?"
My regular, easy-going conversation with God changed to a pleading prayer, in my heart, and didn't stop.
After I finished taking care of my horse, I slid into my car, rolled down the window, and turned on the radio. They repeated over and over that planes had been flown into the WTC. As I drove to pick up my work, other cars passing me, both ways, had their windows rolled down, too, when usually they'd be rolled up because of using A/C. Their radios were on, too. My radio was in stereo, from the outside. We were all listening to exactly the same thing. Total strangers, all listening to the same thing.
I picked up my work, at two different places. Over and over, the radio talked about the planes, but they would not release the names of which airlines. By the time I was driving home, I was screaming at the radio for the names of the airlines.
One of my friends is a pilot. The last time we'd talked was the month before, and he'd told me his route was in the northeast. I was desperate to know which airline, and felt guilty for hoping my friend was safe.
As soon as I arrived home, I turned on the television. Still no specifics of any kind. I called my friend, expecting to reach his cell phone. He answered. I felt guilty for feeling relieved and grateful he was okay. His route had changed. (It was a while before the airlines involved were revealed.) He was safe. He had been grounded, but he couldn't complain about the lovely city he was in. I'm still glad he was safe. A part of me still feels a little guilty.
I heard firsthand about the plane that crashed into the open field. While the media debated the possible cause, I didn't need confirmation; I knew the passengers had done something. I knew the passengers had made a choice, and wondered if I would have had the courage they did.
We learned months later that my cousin was supposed to be at a meeting in the WTC that day. He didn't make it because he was taking his parents to the airport. So many lives were spared that day because of being late, taking a child to school, or some other small, seemingly inconsequential event.
So many lives were lost. They were on time, doing their jobs, being where they were supposed to be. Then the responders were there, doing their jobs. Many of them had been going off duty, but recognized an emergency and the need for additional help. They were being who they are.
Fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, wives, husbands, coworkers, friends.
I watched the news, every day, all day, for days. I wanted to donate blood, but discovered that the day before a new ruling had been passed, and I was no longer eligible, because I had lived in England for three months. It wasn't needed, anyway. I remember that first day thinking that the hospitals would be overwhelmed. Then they weren't. You either made it relatively unscathed, or you didn't. I didn't know any of those who died, but I had friends who mourned the loss of many friends.
Did it change me? Yes, it did.
Once the shock had worn off, I hadn't yet realized I'd changed. Then I saw Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings. 9/11 had stripped away the wall I'd built around my feelings. Suddenly, I felt everything. The flood of emotions was overwhelming, confusing, like going from a world of muted grays to one of vibrant flashing colors of every tint and hue.
I changed. I connected with people through the internet, where I found a whole host of friends who shared in my new discovery. And we've been sharing the journey ever since.
I hold this day as a day of remembrance. A day to mourn lives cruelly and needlessly lost, too many families with empty places at the table, the wonder of the courage of human beings, the miracles of those who lived, and the gratitude for the thousands of people who did good simply because it was the right thing to do.
I will never forget.
Almost 3,000 souls were lost : World Trade Center, First Responders, Four Commercial Flights, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania.
I woke up early that day, as I always did, so I could go out and take care of my horse before picking up my work. It had already started, and I didn't know. I groomed and grained my horse, like I did every single morning, for the previous four years. I was usually out there alone. Most of the other boarders came out in the evenings or on weekends. I enjoyed having the place to myself. It was my time to talk to God. How could I not be grateful when I was enjoying my horse's company and the quiet of the early morning?
One of the other boarders came out to work one of the horses early, and asked if I'd heard about the plane flying into the World Trade Center. I thought she was joking, in very poor taste. I didn't believe her. It was absurd. Ridiculous. Impossible. Then the owner of the property came out, and told us that the Pentagon had also been hit. I looked between them, and said, "You mean it's real?"
My regular, easy-going conversation with God changed to a pleading prayer, in my heart, and didn't stop.
After I finished taking care of my horse, I slid into my car, rolled down the window, and turned on the radio. They repeated over and over that planes had been flown into the WTC. As I drove to pick up my work, other cars passing me, both ways, had their windows rolled down, too, when usually they'd be rolled up because of using A/C. Their radios were on, too. My radio was in stereo, from the outside. We were all listening to exactly the same thing. Total strangers, all listening to the same thing.
I picked up my work, at two different places. Over and over, the radio talked about the planes, but they would not release the names of which airlines. By the time I was driving home, I was screaming at the radio for the names of the airlines.
One of my friends is a pilot. The last time we'd talked was the month before, and he'd told me his route was in the northeast. I was desperate to know which airline, and felt guilty for hoping my friend was safe.
As soon as I arrived home, I turned on the television. Still no specifics of any kind. I called my friend, expecting to reach his cell phone. He answered. I felt guilty for feeling relieved and grateful he was okay. His route had changed. (It was a while before the airlines involved were revealed.) He was safe. He had been grounded, but he couldn't complain about the lovely city he was in. I'm still glad he was safe. A part of me still feels a little guilty.
I heard firsthand about the plane that crashed into the open field. While the media debated the possible cause, I didn't need confirmation; I knew the passengers had done something. I knew the passengers had made a choice, and wondered if I would have had the courage they did.
We learned months later that my cousin was supposed to be at a meeting in the WTC that day. He didn't make it because he was taking his parents to the airport. So many lives were spared that day because of being late, taking a child to school, or some other small, seemingly inconsequential event.
So many lives were lost. They were on time, doing their jobs, being where they were supposed to be. Then the responders were there, doing their jobs. Many of them had been going off duty, but recognized an emergency and the need for additional help. They were being who they are.
Fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, wives, husbands, coworkers, friends.
I watched the news, every day, all day, for days. I wanted to donate blood, but discovered that the day before a new ruling had been passed, and I was no longer eligible, because I had lived in England for three months. It wasn't needed, anyway. I remember that first day thinking that the hospitals would be overwhelmed. Then they weren't. You either made it relatively unscathed, or you didn't. I didn't know any of those who died, but I had friends who mourned the loss of many friends.
Did it change me? Yes, it did.
Once the shock had worn off, I hadn't yet realized I'd changed. Then I saw Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings. 9/11 had stripped away the wall I'd built around my feelings. Suddenly, I felt everything. The flood of emotions was overwhelming, confusing, like going from a world of muted grays to one of vibrant flashing colors of every tint and hue.
I changed. I connected with people through the internet, where I found a whole host of friends who shared in my new discovery. And we've been sharing the journey ever since.
I hold this day as a day of remembrance. A day to mourn lives cruelly and needlessly lost, too many families with empty places at the table, the wonder of the courage of human beings, the miracles of those who lived, and the gratitude for the thousands of people who did good simply because it was the right thing to do.
I will never forget.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Carpe diem... a little different today...
I'm actually writing this on Sunday. I started the day with seven hours of sleep and a prayer I would make edits with God's guiding hand, chapters 25-33.
7am - Allergy medicine. Should have done that days ago. Peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich for breakfast. Added Ben and work on Chapter 25.
Noon - Yogurt and ibuprofen. Chapter 26
1:15 Chapter 27
3:10 Mashed potatoes and teriyaki chicken pieces Chapter 28
7pm - Chapter 29
8:55 Chapter 30
10:50 Chapter 31
12:50am Early Sunday morning. Bed.
Carpe Diem ~ Finish edits and send back.
I'll probably crash and sleep...
After I finish my regular work. :-)
10:40 am. Back to the editor. WHOOHOO!
10:40 am. Back to the editor. WHOOHOO!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Thank Goodness It's Sunday #119...
~Rain, without a lot of lightning, which means I didn't have to shut down my computer.
~Supportive friends.
~Lots and lots of breadcrumbs.
~Music I love. I'm loving my new Mikeschair album.
Still editing.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
My Heroes... Your Choice...
I'm still editing. My eyes are blurry and my hands ache. The book is much better. I'm up at 5am, editing by 6am and don't quit until midnight, with breaks for food and thinking but not much else.
Saturday is my scheduled day for honoring those I hold as my heroes, for a variety of reasons, but what they share in common for me is they each possess a quality I want to incorporate into my life.
My favorite writers create characters with qualities I want to make my own. I hope I write those kinds of characters.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Creating food traditions...
Following up on my post about traditions and the interweaving with food. I decided I need to create more food traditions. Maybe then I'll feel less deprived. Having made the decision, I realized I've already started.
Every Thursday, I go to my favorite eatery, P.Croissant. I order a sweet croissant, often the Bavarian Cream, though I also love the Raspberry/White chocolate, and the Almond, and the Strawberry...you get the idea. I also enjoy a hot chocolate with whole milk and whipped cream or lemonade, depending on how warm it is. Sounds decadent. It is decadent. I love it. It's also when I download books to my Kindle because they have free wi-fi. Whoohoo! I've also spent time writing.
The benefit of this tradition: I haven't purchased a single donut since I started going to P.Croissant. The back of their t-shirts say: "Anything else is just a donut." It's true. Why settle for a donut, when a fresh baked croissant is available?
Another tradition I've started is allowing myself two fresh-baked cookies, every day. Only two. I have to heat up the toaster oven and place to frozen cookies on my stoneware pan and cook them. Hot out of the oven cookies. I no longer binge on cookies. Why? I have fresh cookies every day.
I also allow myself 3-4 pieces of Dove dark chocolate. I'm allowed to eat them whenever I want, though they're generally savored in the afternoon. Other chocolates don't give me the same sense of enough, so I don't buy them.
Okay, so I have created three personal traditions. I know, others will call them eating habits. Guess what? Traditions including special foods for special occasions. I think learning to take care of me is a series of special occasions and worth celebrating.
Now, I need to create some other food traditions. this is going to take some planning.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Week Sixty-Three of REAL...
Reminders: REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake
What Navy SEALs are required to do to make it into BUD/S:http://navyseal.s5.com/requirements.html
I'm going to try something new. If my weight isn't lower than the day before, I'm not going to post it. I need to concentrate on letting go of the weight.
So many lies. The truth: For me, food is about life and death. I've been told all my life that my eating will kill me. It hasn't worked so far. When I eat badly the underlying intent, whether or not I want to admit it, is I expect to die. When I'm eating healthy I'm choosing life. Simple and as complicated as that.
The 31st: weigh in: 235 lb. SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep.
The 1st: weigh in: 234.2 lb. Three-mile walk and physical therapy. Hot and muggy this morning. Ugh.
The 2nd: Being awake at 5:30am, without an alarm clock, I discovered "Sit and Be Fit." I've seen it before and could only think, "It's too easy." Pardon me while I eat humble pie. I tried a little this morning. It's quite a little workout. I'm going to start it this week. Pity PBS doesn't have it every day.
The 3rd: weigh in: Unpleasant discovery. I could change my weight by more than a half pound simply by changing where I stand on the scale by a fraction of an inch. I need to rethink this. SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep.
The 4th: One-mile walk. Physical therapy. Sit and Be Fit 30 minute program.
The 5th: weigh in: 234 lb. SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep.
The 6th: Waist circumference: 39". One-mile walk. Physical therapy. Oops. Forgot to post. Yeah, I'm editing, and it's like that.
The first picture was taken in February 2012. The second picture was taken in June 2012. Inspiration, at least to me:
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Wednesday: Starting over, today. I know, I keep saying this. One of these days, it's going to stick.
Thursday: Slept relatively well last night. Woke around 2am too hot, turned on overhead fan, went back to sleep, and woke with radio alarm, feeling okay. Back to a normal eating routine. Sandwich for breakfast, with avocado. Yummy. Almond croissant at P.Croissant. Yummy. I'm feeling almost giddy. It's a little scary, but tentatively enjoying it.
Friday: It was a horrible, awful, very bad day. And it appears this was true for quite a few people, if posts and comments at Facebook are anything to go by. Blessedly, a few people were also very upbeat, and kept me from drowning. I actually did pretty well with the eating. Hate when I'm on this roller coaster of emotions.
Saturday: Eating is settling into an easier routine, for now.
Sunday: I was asleep by 10pm and woke this morning at 5:30am with no help. I found myself unable to stay awake by 2pm so took a 1-1/2 hour nap. My eating is settling into a healthier routine, trying to eat every 3 hours or so. I'm so tired. I think a large part of it is simply allergies. With all the rain we've had the mold must be having a hay day, which means my body is working extra hard to battle what it considers an attack on its system.
Monday: I didn't sleep particularly well, but I'm not feeling particularly tired, today. Odd. Following Rootstoblosssom, I'm beginning to wonder how much of my difficulty is food related. I'm trying to be mindful of what I eat and space my eating no more than three hours apart. This does seem to help with snacking. Well shoot. I crashed at 6pm. Struggled awake at 9pm.
Tuesday: I was back to sleep at 10pm and woke this morning at 5am. That's 10 hours of sleep. I'm not sure what to think. Editing showed up. Yep, that messes up the schedule, though I'm trying to be careful about it.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Carpe diem... Happy Labor Day... TBR
Today's plan is to write and write and write.
I'm trying to keep my internet use to a minimum so I'm not so easily distracted.
I read Kris Tualla's A Discreet Gentleman of Discovery. Her hero is deaf, in 1720 Norway. She writes a gripping story, pulling me in, wanting to know how it ends. Fascinating.
I also read Gail Delaney's Tender Moments. It's a heartwarming story I couldn't put down until I finished. Her own experience as the mother of a preemmie adds details and emotion that brought me to tears. I love a really good Happily Ever After.
NASCAR ~ Alas, Carl's car went up in smoke in Atlanta. Really. He won't make the Chase. Shoot. Next year. Of course, he's still racing, but there's no chance of a championship title this year. Next year. There's always next year. Side note: Have I mentioned I'm winning my groups Fantasy Auto Racing? Yep, I am. I know. Unbelievable. But fun. :-)
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Thank Goodness It's Sunday #118...
~I have so many amazing supportive people in my life, and I am so grateful.
~Opportunities to learn and grow and change.
~Good books that inspire and uplift.
~Blessed rain.
~Desert Rose, my writers' group.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
My Heroes... Matthew Thornton...
His father brought Matthew to America from Ireland when he was 2 or 3 years old. He attended school, served with the troops, and advocated the cause of the colonies, annoying the royally appointed governor of New Hampshire. When the governor abdicated, Matthew was elected President and then called to the Continental Congress.
He served his country as a judge as well. When he resigned, he bought a farm where he lived to be 88-years-old, remarkable for that time. He believed in temperance and cheerfulness.
What I'm finding as I read is that these were men who pushed forward no matter what. They were considered annoying by the powers that be who wanted them to shut up, sit down, and mind their own business. They didn't. They chose to champion the cause of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They defended it their who lives, true to the end. It wasn't something they dabbled in. It was something they believed in and fought for, weaving it into the fabric of their souls.
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Brain Dump
In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.
The Hobbit! Whoohoo!! Next December. iTunes has a lovely movie trailer that was posted at FaceBook. http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/th...
...you don't want to do something? I've mentioned, several times, that I have been struggling with the fact that my high school reun...