Monday, September 10, 2012

Carpe diem... a little different today...

I'm actually writing this on Sunday. I started the day with seven hours of sleep and a prayer I would make edits with God's guiding hand, chapters 25-33.

7am - Allergy medicine. Should have done that days ago. Peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich for breakfast. Added Ben and work on Chapter 25.
Noon - Yogurt and ibuprofen. Chapter 26
1:15 Chapter 27
3:10 Mashed potatoes and teriyaki chicken pieces Chapter 28
7pm - Chapter 29
8:55 Chapter 30
10:50 Chapter 31

12:50am Early Sunday morning. Bed.

Carpe Diem ~ Finish edits and send back.

I'll probably crash and sleep...

After I finish my regular work. :-)

10:40 am. Back to the editor. WHOOHOO!


  1. Go you!! Hope you are taking a nap now or at least doing something that is a break from editing!

    1. I'm so wound up it scares me. The plan is to go to bed early. We'll see what happens. I'm catching on facebook, emails, DrR's work, laundry, bills are paid now LOL! I still have books to read, more dictation, and back to the current WIPs. LOL!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.