Friday, September 7, 2012

Creating food traditions...

Following up on my post about traditions and the interweaving with food. I decided I need to create more food traditions. Maybe then I'll feel less deprived. Having made the decision, I realized I've already started.

Every Thursday, I go to my favorite eatery, P.Croissant. I order a sweet croissant, often the Bavarian Cream, though I also love the Raspberry/White chocolate, and the Almond, and the get the idea. I also enjoy a hot chocolate with whole milk and whipped cream or lemonade, depending on how warm it is. Sounds decadent. It is decadent. I love it. It's also when I download books to my Kindle because they have free wi-fi. Whoohoo! I've also spent time writing.

The benefit of this tradition: I haven't purchased a single donut since I started going to P.Croissant. The back of their t-shirts say: "Anything else is just a donut." It's true. Why settle for a donut, when a fresh baked croissant is available?

Another tradition I've started is allowing myself two fresh-baked cookies, every day. Only two. I have to heat up the toaster oven and place to frozen cookies on my stoneware pan and cook them. Hot out of the oven cookies. I no longer binge on cookies. Why? I have fresh cookies every day.

I also allow myself 3-4 pieces of Dove dark chocolate. I'm allowed to eat them whenever I want, though they're generally savored in the afternoon. Other chocolates don't give me the same sense of enough, so I don't buy them.

Okay, so I have created three personal traditions. I know, others will call them eating habits. Guess what? Traditions including special foods for special occasions. I think learning to take care of me is a series of special occasions and worth celebrating.

Now, I need to create some other food traditions. this is going to take some planning.


  1. I am so glad you introduced me to P.Croissant... those are so yummy. :)

    1. Missed going yesterday because I was editing. :-( Looking forward to next week. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.