Monday, September 3, 2012

Carpe diem... Happy Labor Day... TBR

Today's plan is to write and write and write.

I'm trying to keep my internet use to a minimum so I'm not so easily distracted.

I read Kris Tualla's A Discreet Gentleman of Discovery. Her hero is deaf, in 1720 Norway. She writes a gripping story, pulling me in, wanting to know how it ends. Fascinating.

I also read Gail Delaney's Tender Moments. It's a heartwarming story I couldn't put down until I finished. Her own experience as the mother of a preemmie adds details and emotion that brought me to tears. I love a really good Happily Ever After.

NASCAR ~ Alas, Carl's car went up in smoke in Atlanta. Really. He won't make the Chase. Shoot. Next year. Of course, he's still racing, but there's no chance of a championship title this year. Next year. There's always next year. Side note: Have I mentioned I'm winning my groups Fantasy Auto Racing? Yep, I am. I know. Unbelievable. But fun. :-)


  1. You belong in Cleveland! It's always next year for the Browns, the Indians, and the Cavaliers. We are hope-filled idiots. *heavy sigh*

    As for writing, I'm so glad you're forging forward. I've written a chapter this week-end and fixed my timeline.

    Life is good.

    1. LOL! Carl came in second, last year, so I have good reason to be hopeful. :-)

      I've been so spacey lately, barely able to keep a thought in my head for more than a minute or two. Today's been better already.

      Yes, it is.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.