Monday, July 22, 2013

Carpe Diem... Breathe...

This month is packed. I mean really packed. I have several projects all due on or before August 1st.

I need to clean house.

I need to do laundry.

I need to defrost the fridge.

I need to edit.

I need to send off an email.

I need to write a short story.

I need to exercise.

I need to eat healthily.

I need to sleep.

I need to breathe.


  1. Hope you made good progress today and that August 1st isn't quite as scary a date as it was earlier today!

    July has been really packed for me, too. I'm hoping it's not a sign of things to come in August!

    1. One of my dear blogging friends pointed out that we live for "when life is easier, but life is not meant to be easier. What's to come is built on what we do now." :-)

    2. Hah, good point. Well, in that case, I should be okay, since God and I have dealt quite well with my heavy load this month. :-)


Christmas Lost quote

  Thanks to Donna Keevers Driver for creating this.