Saturday, July 27, 2013

My Heroes... John and Schoep...

I remember when the photo came out, last year. I shared it on FB, like so many others. I wondered how they were doing. It took me long enough, but I finally wondered if maybe they had their own FB page. They did, and I followed. I loved the daily updates, a single picture of Schoep sniffing or sleeping or enjoying the moment. It was my guaranteed smile every day.

I watched with anticipation the build up to Schoep's 20th birthday. I cheered and celebrated with thousands of others. I laughed when John shared how it was taking them days to read the thousands of cards sent for Schoep's birthday.

Having lived with a senior dog who lived to be over 17, I knew the end was coming. I was grateful for each morning when I checked FB and there was a picture of Schoep.

A little over a week ago, John posted the picture of a dog's paw print in the sand. Schoep went home to God. I cried. I'm crying as I write this. My heart breaks for John, but it also hurts for me. I will miss sharing in their little piece of sunshine every day.

God bless John and Schoep.

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