Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Debunking Silk's claim...

Feel free to ignore this blog post. I simply need to vent.

Silk recently aired a commercial about their Almond Milk. They claim it's better than cow's milk.

I'm lactose intolerant. The idea of finding a substitute, particularly a less expensive option, is appealing. I traded out generic lactose-free milk for Almond and coconut milk. Within a few weeks, my nails became soft, so soft they tore like paper, down to the nail bed. Wanting to be sure, I gave it a few more weeks. As soon as my nails grew past my skin, they tore.

I chose to return to drinking three cups of milk a day. Within a few weeks, my nails were stronger and stopped tearing. They break, occasionally, with use. Normal stuff.

Silk is not better than cow's milk.

Having said that, I do like to use coconut milk in place of water in recipes, such as pancakes and cake.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Follow up on Monday...

Laundry wasn't done. I have a few days to accomplish the task. Life happens.

Tough Luck, I think, is done, the rough draft anyway.

A little reading done. Distracted by writing. A good thing. :-)

Worked on only heating the arm, and interestingly enough there's less pain today. Still a bit swollen. Still can't straighten the arm. Flexibility improves a little every day.

Eating was okay but not great.

Sleeping... I'm doing better at the sleeping.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Carpe Diem... Richmond...

NASCAR ~ Carl came in 9th! Go Carl!

I need to do laundry.


Working on Tough Luck.

Being aware of what I eat. I want to be healthy. Really.

Turning my life over to God.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Thank Goodness It's Sunday... #204...

~ My sister for all the help she's given me, driving me around, helping me run errands.

~ Slow but sure improvement. Truly grateful for hot and cold therapy.

~ Lunch with good friends.

~ Laughter.

~ Ladyhawke movie score. Love it!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

My Heroes... Unknown Soldiers...

This particular post hit me a little harder. I don't know these people. I know they did something I could not. The reasons don't matter. As I read about 2nt Lt. Justin Sisson, I realized I'd typed his name on my Some Gave All list, page 2, along with Spc. Robert Pierce. Such a small world. God bless their families.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Following up, again...

Arm is still a bit swollen, a bit stiff, a bit sore, unwilling to straighten. Bah. A little more flexible. Yay.

Ankle is still swollen and a bit stiff. Bah. I'm walking a mile a day, without much limping. Yay.

Knee is almost normal. Yay.

I'm eating better. Yay.

I'm still sleeping more than usual, as in 9-10 hours. Bah.

I'm doing better. Yay.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Week 148 of REAL...

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

What Navy SEALs are required to do to make it into BUD/S:
RIght up front: Never in a million years could I do what is required. However, I needed to start somewhere. Considering how fit the SEALs are, I figured it was a good place to start. So my SEAL puppy reps (SEALp) consist of girls' pushups, crunches, and flutter kicks, a SEAL training basic. I started with doing one of each. 

PT ~ Physical therapy using 2-lb and 1-lb weights, alternating days.
UB ~ Upper body exercises
I'm starting low, at 10, to restart my workouts.

18: 1/2-mile walk. PT. UB.

19: 1/2-mile walk. PT

20: Rest. 

21: 1-mile walk. PT. UB.

22: 1-mile walk. PT.

23: 1-mile walk. SEALp. PT. UB.

24: 1-mile walk. PT.

The first picture was taken in February 2012. The second picture was taken in June 2012. Inspiration, at least to me:

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

One day at a time...

Okay, today, I'll finish editing Finding Home. I will work on Tough Luck.

I had a delightful lunch with a dear friend yesterday. She helped me reset my perspective. We share a lot of things in common. She's a blessing to me. I pray for her welfare.

Allergy season is in full swing. I'm taking allergy medicine, which helps me breath and sleep.

Creating a consistent sleeping routine is frustratingly difficult. One day at a time.

I've a stack of books to read, but I can't decide what to read next. I suspect part of the indecision is complements of my allergies. Not beating myself up over it.

Sometimes, you have to shake up the snowglobe and see where things fall.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Follow up on Monday's list...

Transcribing work is done, after a serious meltdown. My arm hurt. I was having difficult hearing the tape, and it was a long tape. Long tape means more money, but it also demands a lot more time. Time I wanted to spend elsewhere.

I've done a little reading, which is when I put my foot up and rest if for a while.

I've edited half of Finding Home. As much as I want to write, I can't shift gears. I have to finish the editing before I'm able to think about anything else again. Something I need to consider in my writing routine.

The weather is warming. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I've lost my blackberry crop, again. Bah.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Carpe Diem...

Surprise, surprise, not. Editing Finding Home is on the docket. I need to email my editor about the final edits for Grace's Possibilities. I haven't seen them, yet. Maybe I won't. We did a pretty thorough job.

Tough Luck is more than half finished. Yay! The Blessing Basket is forming in my head. They're both late. A part of me isn't happy about this. I remind myself I'm writing these for me, and I'm okay.

Tarnished Knight is bubbling in the back of my head. I work on it a little each day.

I do a little reading of my own. It's part of being a writer.

My ankle is almost back to normal, at least what's normal for me. My knee is a little scabby but mostly healed as well. My arm is still a little swollen and won't straighten completely. Heat and ice and essential oils continue. My arm is more flexible, otherwise. I work to make sure I'm able to do a little more each day.

I'm tired of being fat. I'm not sure how to change my mindset. I know the way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. Exercise wise, I'm nowhere near what I was doing before I fell. Eating is still not great. The good news is I'm not gaining. Progress.

Sleeping... yeah, I'm sleeping a lot. It bothers me. I worry about sleeping my life away, but I also know the body repairs itself in sleep.

Yesterday, I did my weekly review, and I don't feel like I'm making much progress at all. It's discouraging.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Thank Goodness It's Sunday... #203...

~ Jesus conquered death.

~ Jesus is Risen.

~ Jesus Lives.

~ Jesus Saves.

~ Happy Easter

Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday...

A day of reflection.

Jesus Christ determined I was worth dying for.

Sometimes, I'm tempted to disagree. I feel worthless. I recognize my plethora of imperfections. I cannot deny my flaws, my mistakes, my sins. I endeavor to do better and fail and fail and fail.

Sometimes, it's difficult to remember. Jesus didn't die for me for what I do right in my life. Jesus died for me for all the things wrong in my life.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Week 147 of REAL...

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

What Navy SEALs are required to do to make it into BUD/S:
RIght up front: Never in a million years could I do what is required. However, I needed to start somewhere. Considering how fit the SEALs are, I figured it was a good place to start. So my SEAL puppy reps (SEALp) consist of girls' pushups, crunches, and flutter kicks, a SEAL training basic. I started with doing one of each. 

PT ~ Physical therapy using 2-lb and 1-lb weights, alternating days.
UB ~ Upper body exercises
I'm starting low, at 10, to restart my workouts.

11: 3/4-mile walk. PT. UB.

12: 1/2-mile walk. I was feeling yesterday's walk. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. PT

13: Walk 6 houses. 

14: 1/2-mile walk. PT. UB.

15: 1/2-mile walk. PT.

16: 1/2-mile walk. PT. UB.

17: 1/2-mile walk. PT.

The first picture was taken in February 2012. The second picture was taken in June 2012. Inspiration, at least to me:

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.