Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Brain Dump...

Every once in a while, I feel the need to share my controversial views. Today is as good a day as any. If you don't like controversy, stop reading now.

I grew up in a world of contradictions, on a small scale, so I recognize it on a large scale.

Boston Children's Hospital: Did you know there is a clause in their admission forms that states if a child is a ward of the state of Massachusetts, then the hospital has permission to experiment on them? Welcome to Nazi America. Check out Justina Pelletier. Some articles will make it sound like it's a good thing. By their fruits you will know them. Before Boston, she was ice skating. Now, she's confined to a wheelchair. She's had no schooling. A priest was not allowed to visit her. Her sister has the same diagnosis but has not been removed from the home. Either there's something wrong with the family and the other daughter should have been removed, who is thriving by the way. Or, there's something wrong with Boston Children's hospital. Tip of the iceberg.

Global Warming/Climate Change: The Middle Ages were hotter. What are those who claim it is man made going to blame it on? Remember when ice flows formed the Great Lakes? Yeah, that was before us. I'm kind of glad things warmed up. The earth flooded, and humans survived. If the earth is allowed to continue on it's current course, it's been scientifically proven that there will be more and healthier plant life. Using their own logic, environmentalists hate plants. Did you know the EPA is going to tax cattle flatulence? Really. How insane is that? How do you stop it? Kill the cattle. Environmentalists must also hate cattle and pigs. By the way, EPA says this isn't true because it can't assess a tax. So, how do they penalize companies who do not meet their regulations? How many coal power plants have they closed, making it too expensive for new ones to open, exactly as promised? So "electricity prices would necessarily skyrocket." What's next on the list to be destroyed? Did you know a dog has a larger carbon footprint than an SUV? So, are dogs next on the list for extinction? Environmentalists and the EPA must hate dogs. Shall we go back to before penicillin was created? That was after we harnessed electricity and the automobile. I believe God knew what He was doing and did it right the first time. He doesn't need us to micromanage His creations. He expects us to be stewards not passive bumps on a log, which means we aren't a mistake. He expects us to explore and create with Him, not malign the precious resources He's given us to make life better. We make mistakes, but we are not mistakes. If you want a perfect planet with only slightly varying weather, Earth is not for you.

Those who think they know everything annoy those of us who do because we know it's impossible to know everything.

The moment I hear anyone say, "We're going to make sure everyone is taken care of" "We're going to make sure everyone has a chance" "We're going to make sure..." I know immediately this is not God's plan. This is a lie. A lie perpetuated in order for "We" to control "everyone."

It's April 1st, the day on which I'm reminded what I am on the other 364, not to mention most of the rest of humanity. We are educated and think we are wise.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.