Monday, July 12, 2010

Carpe diem... things done and undone...

Worked on a couple of projects and started a new one. Those were things done. As for undone, I removed myself from a couple of groups I joined, a few years ago. I found myself dreading hearing from them. Considering the fact that I had joined them to inspire me to do better, the feelings they evoked seemed all wrong. It's odd not seeing their messages in my mailbox, and yet a relief, too. A dear friend, my computer guru, helped me remove things I had liked at FaceBook as well. Again, I found the content more negative than positive. So continues the adventure of finding what I like and don't like, what does and does not inspire me. Sometimes, it's almost a giddy feeling to be able to change my mind. :-)


  1. :-D

    I'm so glad you feel free from things that were supposed to help you, but ended up being a burden! I have a similar feeling with things that I've been saving because I should have done something with them, but now they are simply a reminder that I didn't finish something -- when I can steel myself to get rid of it, it's definitely freeing!

  2. You are so right! I'm learning that there are things on my TO DO list that don't actually require my attention. It's unsettling to simply cross them off without doing them, to let them go, but also a relief.

  3. Get rid of what is dragging you down! I love it!


Brain Dump

What kind of insanity demands buying an electric car and not using A/C during summer to ease the burden on the electric grid? Please, trying...