Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What happened, yesterday?

My first thought is what happened to my day? I'm feeling out of sorts. I know I'm not sleeping enough, but it's never affected me quite like this before. What's different?

I used to beat myself up for everything not done or not done perfectly right. It's odd finding myself changing the way I think. I've tried to change it for years, and now it seems I'm succeeding. I think.

Laundry was done. The only writing done was one of my blogs. Not this one. I try to write a day ahead, and yet, I'm not beating myself up this morning for not having done this last night. What's up with that? I did edit a chapter. I called my client, and settled that bit of work. I read a new author, who is now on the no list. I really hate heroines who are practically perfect in every way, and if the men would just capitulate everything would be perfect. Ugh.

I'm not quite on top of my emails, blog, and FB, but not bad.

And yes, I did my exercise. My eating was okay.

Not going to worry about it. Taking it moment by moment.


  1. Sounds like you stuck to your list fairly well, actually. It's good to not beat yourself up if you don't do it perfectly, though, so I'm glad you are making progress in that area! Most days have so many variables contributed by others, by outside factors, even by our own health, that to-do lists have to be fluid and not set in stone. You're looking at it positively if you look at the things that were worked on and not the things that had to be added to today's list! And not worrying about it! :-)

    1. Thanks ((Margaret)) I think the really bafflement is my own change in perspective. I like it, but wonder if it will last... I suppose it comes back to my fear of success. There are people in my life who enjoy raining on my parade, and I don't want to deal with the rain. Then again, I'm stronger now, so maybe it's the unsettling realization is I really am changing, exactly as I've been hoping and working for all this time.


Brain Dump

"News" outlets, also known as propaganda machines, release articles including pictures from movies or unrelated documentaries but ...