Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Planning ahead...

When I missed my first manuscript's submission date (I thought it was due a month later), I created a calendar to hang by my computer. It is simply each month with the title of the book written in red when it's due to the publisher and written in purple the month it's due to be published. It's been hanging there for over six months now. It's 20 months. I mark off the months with a horse sticker. Hey! You take your rewards where you can find them.

Every time I've looked at my calendar, I would think 2013 looks strangely bare. I couldn't figure out why. I'm saying it again: This calendar has been on my wall for six months. Yesterday, six months later, I finally figured it out. One of the books wasn't there.


Okay, so it's due next June. Still, I somehow didn't have it on the calendar. It's there now. I realize everyone else thinks this is ages away; as a writer, it's right around the corner. All is right with the world.


  1. so, did it give you mom guilt to forget one of your kids? :-)

    1. Only the first time I failed to turn it in on time. This was thank you God for helping me remember in time. :-)

  2. Days and months can blur together in a hurry. I am glad everything is back on the calendar. :)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.