Friday, October 5, 2012

Sleeping and eating and sleeping...

I wish there was more of the sleeping thing.

It's Friday the 28th. I'm doing a bit of catch up. My sleeping schedule is off. It throws everything off.

It's a week later, October 4th. My sleeping is still weird. Eating a bit of cheese every night helps a bit. The weather is cooling off, so the A/C doesn't turn on as often. Not so good. My room ends up a bit stuffy. My hormones threw everything off. Sleeping, eating.

I've been home alone for a few days, and it's been lovely. My mini vacation is almost over. Alas.


  1. I love mini-vacations. They should be mandatory, government sponsored, and free! *g*

    Dr. Oz had a guest MD show muscle tensing/relaxing things to do to get the body ready for sleep. Instead of using melatonin.

    I was stunned to find it worked.

    1. I actually don't have much trouble going to sleep. It's been staying asleep, though that hasn't been too bad since I started eating cheese before bed. Of late, it's been about so much too do there isn't enough time to sleep. LOL!


Brain Dump

Don't let those who think they're smarter than you fool you or scare you. Those "archaic" laws that banned abortion did NO...