Friday, October 5, 2012

Sleeping and eating and sleeping...

I wish there was more of the sleeping thing.

It's Friday the 28th. I'm doing a bit of catch up. My sleeping schedule is off. It throws everything off.

It's a week later, October 4th. My sleeping is still weird. Eating a bit of cheese every night helps a bit. The weather is cooling off, so the A/C doesn't turn on as often. Not so good. My room ends up a bit stuffy. My hormones threw everything off. Sleeping, eating.

I've been home alone for a few days, and it's been lovely. My mini vacation is almost over. Alas.


  1. I love mini-vacations. They should be mandatory, government sponsored, and free! *g*

    Dr. Oz had a guest MD show muscle tensing/relaxing things to do to get the body ready for sleep. Instead of using melatonin.

    I was stunned to find it worked.

    1. I actually don't have much trouble going to sleep. It's been staying asleep, though that hasn't been too bad since I started eating cheese before bed. Of late, it's been about so much too do there isn't enough time to sleep. LOL!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.