Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #123...

~My uncle passed away. In truth, this isn't a sad thing. He's been ready to go for a while. I can imagine there was quite the family reunion on the other side.

~Fall. Cooler weather and a change in the colors. Living where I do, I don't see much in the way of color, but there are so many thoughtful souls who share their stunning pictures. Thank you!

~Books I enjoy. Books are a lot of personal homework now. I need to know what's out there and continue to hone my personal skills for telling my own stories. It's hard when favorite authors head in new directions I don't want to go and always a joy when I run across those that inspire me.

~Dear friends who inspire me and see me through the dark moments.

~Another video shared with me by a dear friend. Mark Schultz's Remember Me


  1. My condolences on your uncle's passing.

    The tree outside my window hasn't fully turned as yet; when it does, it will be a glorious yellow! Up north, the leaves are changing quickly -- I saw the beginnings of that last week, but I'm missing it this weekend. Fall is my favorite time of the year!

    1. I'm happy for him. He's been asking to go Home for a while. Now he is.

      I think if we had colors here, besides yellow, brown, and a touch (and I mean a bare touch) of red, fall would also be my favorite season... though I do love the colors of spring... and the coolness of winter... and the light of summer... LOL!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.