Monday, February 18, 2013

Carpe diem... creating...

Today's seize the day is about creating a working schedule. With going to bed earlier, I'm cutting into my usual writing time. I've mentally figured out a new writing schedule, but I'm not very good at implementing it. I'm easily distracted. Maybe it will help if I write it out. Every once in a while, I need to gather my notebook and pens and write by hand. I don't know why this works for me, but it does. Today will be it.

I also want to try one of four recipes for flour tortillas. I need bread every day. It's a mental/psychological thing. If I don't have bread, I go into a sort of starvation mode. Not healthy. I'm wondering if I can replace bread with tortillas. If I'm making my own, it doesn't take as long as bread, but I'll also know everything going into them and be able to control those ingredients.

There: A plan for the day.

We'll see how it goes.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.