Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Current TBR List...

I downloaded Julie Benson's first book, Big City Cowboy. I enjoy her writing style. Loved book 1.

I read a short story by Jodi Thomas and enjoyed it enough I want to try one of her full length stories.

I've read Kathryn Springer's inspirational romance Her Christmas Wish before, but somewhere along the way gave it away. Or at least I can't find it anywhere. It's a keeper. Kathryn is on my must-buy list.

Under a Christmas Moon is a free short story by Stephanie Burkhart. It can be found at Desert Breeze Publishing. (They're moving hosts on 1 Feb.) It's a charming paranormal. I enjoyed it so much I'm going to try her first book in the series: The Hungarian.

I tried A.B. McKinley's romance/action novel Kilted Desire - Sand's of Betrayal. His bio says he's an ex Special Forces with the British military. He broke his back, and his fiance dumped him. He started over. My friends on FB shared Scott McKinley's cover model page. I was intrigued and decided to give him a try. So far, so good. Yes, I'm a bit leery. I couldn't find much information on him. I remind myself I'm allowed to Unlike him later. Am I a suspicious sort? Yes, especially with men. Sorry. I'm trying not to punish the good guys for all the jerks I've dealt with over the years. It's a difficult. This is me practicing.

Did I mention Anne Gracie's newest is out? It's mine! It's here! Whoohoo! I love Anne Gracie, in case you haven't noticed. Here's a link to an interview with her:

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.