Wednesday, February 20, 2013

While I'm on the food trail...

My niece shared an interesting post, yesterday:

She included the link to an article I want to be able to access easily again, so I'm including it here myself:

Anyone who has followed my REAL program knows I'm struggling to create a healthier me.

I've discovered that some days I need only three meals a day and other days I prefer four or five, depending what I'm eating and doing that day.

I cannot eat whole grains of any kind. I'm severely allergic to bran. It's ugly. Trust me. No whole wheat. No brown rice. No oatmeal.

Remove the bran, and I'm fine.

White wheat. White rice.

No oatmeal. Ever.

I had no idea how much damage I was doing when I cheated with oatmeal cookies or granola bars. I finally figured it out and stopped abusing myself.

Note: I do not use bleached white flour. I use unbleached. I'm familiar with the bleaching process, and I'll pass.

I don't do much better with the legume group.

There is a whole, odd group of foods I couldn't tolerate well, like cauliflower and cabbage. I finally did the "right" homework. Serendipity. I was looking up something else. Came across the foods high in sulfur. I don't tolerate any of them well.

Something I'm learning makes a huge difference: Sleep.

Sleep is when your body repairs itself.

Your body shuts down all conscious activity and goes to work.

I am sleeping better.

I am learning to create a healthy me.


  1. I'm thankful you are not allergic to white flour, so at least you can eat if you are careful about the bran. It must be hard in these days of "eat more bran" to work around that. I bet there's more bran in stuff than we realize, even before they add it in to make it even more "healthy." My brother is lactose intolerant and has a hard time finding bread that doesn't have whey in it; they are always adding stuff into the plain recipe that people are allergic to.

    1. I'm looking into a local dairy that sells raw milk. I know that the pasteurizing process kills the natural enzyme in milk that controls the lactose problem. When I had my uncle's milk from his own dairy cow I had no problem at all. Learning to cook more and more from scratch is becoming the only way for me. I've given up any cereal that isn't strictly corn or rice. General Mills has gone whole grains, so there's nothing I can eat there. Learning to work around it, and feeling better.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.