Friday, February 1, 2013


This past month has been about this year's word: Create.

As you can see from yesterday's blog entry, I'm doing better on the exercise part of creating a healthier me. And believe it or not, I'm also eating better. I really don't want to confess how horrible my diet used to be, so I won't.

I wrote in what I was eating on Wednesday and then saw Kathy had posted something new, so went to look. Wow... it tied write in with what RootstoBlossom said about firing the nanny that acted the way she does.

I don't know how God could possibly hit me over the head any harder without knocking me out.

I wrote the above on Wednesday. And this is what I found on Thursday:

Be careful when you challenge God. He takes you seriously.


  1. I'm struggling with my eating too...but trying to juice at least once a day by making green juice. I just finished making one for lunch. Had 2 oranges for breakfast. Trying to eat more raw foods too. ♥

    1. I've read up on juicing and thought about trying it. The only problem for me is I don't handle vegetables and fruits well. Funnily enough, I'm truly a meat and potatoes person.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.