Sunday, February 10, 2013

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #141...

~ Brandon Heath's Jesus In Disguise:

~ A little more cool weather before the coming summer. Blessings on those in the snow.

~ Anne Gracie is still one of my all-time favorite writers, with good reason. Her dry wit and memorable characters and romance are always something to look forward to and savor.

~ I don't know what I'd do without amazing friends. Thank you.

~ I finished off the junk food, so I should be eating better for a while.


  1. Love your comment about the junk food. I do that, too. When there is junk food around, I figure the best thing to do is to eat it and get it gone. If it's been purchased for some reason, then I don't like to waste it by throwing it away, so it has to be eaten! I have one more chocolate pop tart to eat today, and then I'm safe once more from junk food. We'll both be eating better after this! ;-)


    1. I'm not the only one! :-D Now, I could rationalize that pop tart as a desert if I had it after a meal. Now, I'm trying to teach myself that just because I don't have all the junk food available doesn't mean I'm in a state of deprivation. Besides, I still have my Dove Dark Chocolate Promises. Funnily enough, I'm able to keep myself to no more than 3 of the little bits a day. Why I'm able to maintain control over one and not so much another, I don't know. I suppose this is when one of my favorite mantras comes in: "Mine is not to question why; mine is but to do or die." I have learned that questioning why is not a bad thing. The why is not always what I think it is. Here's to better eating and becoming healthier.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.