Friday, November 4, 2011

I've felt worse in my life...

...I've also felt a lot better. I'll be better, in a few days. So, since I am putting myself in isolation, because I'm always squirrelly this time of month (and I'm really annoyed that it came a week early), I'm sharing a cute picture instead of saying anything more. It's safer this way. Trust me.


  1. Glad I could help, I think. :-)

  2. Hang in there! And I love that picture. I have been the same way this week. Hate it. I will be happy when life returns to normal (whatever normal is.) :)

  3. LOL! My friend is fond of reminding me of a plaque in her counselor's office that says, "Normal is a setting on a dryer." :-)

  4. (hugs)

    And thanks for putting me in on your prayer list. You're always on mine!

  5. ((hugs)) back. You're most welcome. Good, and comforting, to know.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.