The 4th: weigh in: 241.4 lb. Bad dreams, but not unexpected. Comfort food: My yummy homemade bread.
The 5th: weigh in: 241 lb. Wait... What? Did you see what I ate yesterday? One-mile walk.
The 6th: weigh in: 241.6 lb.
The 7th: weigh in: 241.6 lb. One SEAL puppy rep. No walk. It was raining, which was wonderful, but no walk. With the change in DST, I'm having to shift my schedule a bit. I did take a half-hour nap. I like doing that. There is something about calming myself, body and mind, in the middle of the day.
The 8th: weigh in 241 lb. How did that happen? I don't know, and I'm not complaining, only curious, so I can keep doing it.
The 9th: weigh in: 241.6 lb. I ate badly, yesterday, so I'm not surprised, though I'm pleased it isn't worse. Today, starting new. One SEAL puppy rep. One-mile walk. Two more SEAL puppy reps. Physical therapy, without weights.
The 10th: weigh in: 239.8 lb. Waist circumference: 40". Well, will you look at that. The weight stayed pretty steady, and yet going down, a bit. I like that. Now, how do I continue that trend? I'm really liking the nap. It's taken a lot of stress off of the nighttime sleep. If I don't sleep well at night, it's okay because a nap is coming. It's also cooler for me sleeping in the middle of the day, than when I go to bed at night. I sleep better if I'm cooler. I like the new routine well enough to follow it for another week.
"Happy 236th birthday to the U.S. Marine Corps! Semper Fi!" God bless them.
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Brain Dump
In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.
The Hobbit! Whoohoo!! Next December. iTunes has a lovely movie trailer that was posted at FaceBook.
- don't want to do something? I've mentioned, several times, that I have been struggling with the fact that my high school reun...
Great blog name.
Thanks, Elizabeth, and welcome.