The 19th: weigh in: 237.4 lb. One SEAL puppy rep. One-mile walk.
The 20th: weigh in: 238.8 lb. Wait a minute... Actually, I know what happened. Stress. Nasty critter.
The 21st: weigh in: 236.8 lb. More stress, but of a very different variety. The Sprint Cup Chase was the best EVER, nail biting all the way to the end. Who could eat? One-SEAL puppy rep.
The 22nd: weigh in 237.2 lb. I'm liking the changing in sleeping. It's actually reduced some stress.
The 23rd: weigh in: 237 lb. Two SEAL puppy reps. The new schedule is a bit strange, but it seems to be working for me. We'll see how I do over the holidays. So far, so good.
The 24th: weigh in: 236.6 lb. Waist circumference: 40". Wow. So, this is what happens when you finally decide to follow you're heart's work. Cool. :-)
Happy Thanksgiving! May you be blessed with peace and joy and friendship and laughter. Lots and lots of laughter. May God bless our troops and their families, for they are the ones that have too often made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom and liberty.

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