Tuesday, November 1, 2011

OWS... what's wrong with this picture...

I hadn't planned to mention this, but I'm watching the insanity escalate, and there's so much going through my head I'm doing a brain dump. So the following are random thoughts. Hopefully, sharing them here means I can stop thinking about them. This is Andrew Klaven's article on the event.

I finally found this posted as the "official" statement:

"Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants."

"Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions." Actually, it isn't leaderless. The likes of 60s revolutionary criminals and union leader thugs have been preaching this event for months. There was even an ad on Craig's List offering $400-$600 a day for people to "work" as occupiers. Yesterday, we received a recorded phone call from "Justice For All" asking us to support OWS. That is a coordinated effort, an expensive coordinated effort. The rest of the sentence sounds good, but could be applied to any sports event, concert, state fair, or public event.

Side note: The phone call from "Justice For All" said that big corporations were holding back two trillion dollars from loans for small businesses and hiring. What the phone message didn't tell you was that businesses aren't spending money on much of anything because policies currently coming through the federal government are so anti-business that they don't dare hire, unless they are suicidal regarding their business. Would you hire a new landscaping service, if you didn't know whether or not that money you had budgeted would actually be there when you went to pay them, because you may or may not have a hefty tax bill coming and you may or may not have your health insurance double? They started with a lie and kept right on lying.

"The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%." This is a blatant lie. I've seen the support they're receiving from the likes of Michael Moore, Susan Suranden, the media, politicians, including the president, even George Soros, who is definitely in the 1%. They've picked numbers that make great sound bites, but don't mean what people think they mean. More importantly, they are slanderous and libelous. They do NOT represent me. Not now, and not ever. And I am most assuredly not in the "1%." Do I oppose greed and corruption? Yes, I do, but I've seen it in the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows. Many a criminal is not in the 1%, and I definitely oppose them. In fact, I'm more worried about them than I am the richest. I'm more likely to be killed by a common criminal, not in the 1%, than I am one of those in the 1%. These people need to rethink their priorities.

"We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants."
This is the same Arab Spring where Lara Logan was raped while the men chanted "Jew," and where Christians are being murdered. If it's supposed to be nonviolent, why do protesters admit that they've been trying to antagonize police by throwing rocks and glass bottles? Why are they advising that rapes not be reported? How is this by any stretch of the imagination non-violent, or am I not supposed to ask that pesky question?

What's wrong with this picture?

OWS is touting sharing the wealth, and yet they complained about the "professional" homeless (those that actually are homeless) eating the food that was being offered...

What's wrong with this picture?

OWS is opposed to corporate greed, while they use their laptops, cellphones, store-bought tents and sleeping bags, wearing their designer clothes, and eating organic and gourmet meals...

What's wrong with this picture?

OWS is opposed to the bank bail-outs, the bail-outs given by the federal government...
~taxpayer money was used to bail-out the banks, but there is no hue and cry against the President or Congress who authorized it and are paid with taxpayer money...

What's wrong with this picture?

OWS is openly and knowingly supported by Nazis, Communists, Marxists, Socialists, Fascists, Anarchists, anti-Semitics (anit-Jew, anti-Zionist, anti-Israel), anti-Capitalists, anti-Americans...

What's wrong with this picture?

And why doesn't everyone see how wrong this is?

I know lots of people who agree with some of what OWS is saying. Here's the problem: The adversary is the laziest creature in the universe. Why go to all the trouble of creating a lie, when the truth with a twist will do?

The more I learn about OWS, the more narcissistic behaviors I recognize. The hypocrisy that abounds in this whole thing is astronomical, and yet no one seems to care about these little inconvenient details.

What I've come to realize is that this "movement" isn't one in which there is the luxury of picking and choosing what one wants to support and what one does not want to support. There is no "well, I like that idea, but not that one." There is no "they're right about this, but not about that." The only time that opportunity to choose occurs is in your own life. This movement isn't about you or about what you want. This is about a collective platform. And if they have their way, your right to choose will be over. This is all or nothing.

This is the counter view: We Are The 53%. 53% of the population pays income tax, while the rest enjoy the benefits provided by that tax. If ever there was a time to do one's homework, this is it. The adversary says, "Let me tell you what to think and what to believe. Let me feed you all the information you need. I want to make it easier for you." God's way was never the easy way, but it is the only way to true, lasting happiness. Whose plan will you choose? I choose God.


  1. Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    I don't believe all the people involved are evil, but they are being supported by people who are evil. Pretending like it isn't there will not make it go away, and will not make it better. It has invaded my home on the news on television and my computer and radio. They've called asking for support. Women are being raped, and it should be ignored? Police are being provoke on purpose, and it should be ignored? This is wrong, and I'm calling it was it is: It is evil.

  2. You've been watching too much Fox.

  3. LOL!! Actually, I don't watch FOX. Nor do I watch much news from the big three. I heard too many lies from them that I could prove. However, I do read the news, a lot, from a wide variety of sources.

  4. My husband and I were talking about this the other day. It amazes me that these OWS people don't realize that they are suffering from the exact same overblown sense of entitlement that led to Wall Street bank management deciding that what they were doing was acceptable.

    I think it's ok to place blame where it belongs, but change is not going to happen from pointing fingers. Instead of hanging out in a demonstration for days on end, these people would be better off taking REAL action in making things better. Such as by working or becoming involved in government. God forbid people actually do something more than complain.

    I mean, I could remain a victim the rest of my life, but I'm trying to do whatever work I need to in order to get the damage done by my NM repaired. Although I wish that she would get her crazyazz shite together, waiting for her to make things right is a highly irresponsible way for me to go about taking care of my own well-being.

    Thanks for posting this.

  5. Thanks, vicariousrising, for your comment. It's a comfort knowing I'm not alone.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.