Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What a weekend!

The Desert Dreams Writers' Conference was amazing. I'm so glad my folks made it possible for me to attend. I learned a lot. I'll be blogging details over at Laurel Hawkes, so feel free to take a gander over there.

In the meantime, life hasn't slowed down a bit. I managed to accomplish everything on yesterday's list, though the editing I did wasn't what I expected. I needed to go to bed before I made it that far.

What all I accomplished:

Laundry. YAY!

Some editing. I'm trying not to delete the whole thing. There are days like that.

I wrote some impressions from the conference. I've even thought about a workshop I'd like to create, and wrote the concept and how it would start.

Plotting has started for one of the later books.

I'm caught up on blogs and FaceBook, for the moment.

I even managed to squeeze in a little reading.

That was all on Monday. Today is going to be busy, too. I was given so many great hints to help me improve, and they all seem to be doable, at this point. I hate to think of how often I'd hear things and think "I'm going to do it," and then I'd end up sidetracked because it simply wasn't working for me.

I'll keep myself accountable here, and see what develops.


  1. Psst - Can we have the link to Laura Hawkes? Been dying to hear about the conference.

  2. Psst - *red-faced* - I found the link on the right here.

    1. :-) Glad you found it! No way to know it's there, unless you know it's there type of thing, and I don't think I've ever mentioned I added it to My Blog List.


Brain Dump

"News" outlets, also known as propaganda machines, release articles including pictures from movies or unrelated documentaries but ...