Monday, April 30, 2012

Carpe diem... What must be done?

I'm playing catchup, and endeavoring to determine what must be done, and what will wait a bit longer.

NASCAR ~ Carl came in 10th, and is up to #9 in the Chase. This is good, considering he'd slipped below the necessary 12 mark. Go Carl!

Laundry needs to be done.

I need to sort through my thoughts and impressions of this past weekend. I think perhaps writing blogs should help with the task. Included in this is scheduling my time to better serve me.

Starting today, I want to be more present, in my exercise and eating and activities throughout the day. It hasn't been a habit in the past. In fact, I've spent most of my life working incredibly hard to disappear or at least be invisible. It isn't helpful in my efforts to be healthy, because it isn't healthy behavior. I'm accountable here.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.