Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Brain... on vacation...

...and I didn't get to go along.

Yesterday, laundry was done. Yay!

Reading was done, but not what I'd originally planned. I volunteered to read and review a book. I'll post it, tomorrow. I'm also trying still another author, and not particularly impressed. What a contrast between the two.

My sister found an adorable little gnome for me. A God wink. He's sitting on a mushroom, reading a book. Cute!

Not much brain otherwise.

So, sharing a fun picture from Funny Cat Photos... or was it Facebook... cute either way....


  1. Did you expect to at least receive one of those cute t-shirts? *g*

    Got to pay bills. Laundry is second, then trash.

    1. A t-shirt would have been thoughtful... LOL!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.