Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Heroes... Friends...

I have been richly blessed with amazing friends. Some I have met, and some I have not. Nine or ten years ago, I sat in Sunday School and they played a little getting-to-know-you game. Each person had to state one thing unique about themselves. I had the perfect answer, my favorite kind of answer: it starts out sounding one way, and then has a twist. I told them my best friend lived over 2,000 miles away. I relished the rolled eyes. Nothing special about that. Then I added we had never met. All rolling eyes stopped and widened instead. Yep, that was unique, then. Definitely not anymore. Now I have more friends I've never met than I have friends I have met. In fact, I have very few friends (almost exclusively family) that I didn't meet online first or because of my online activity.

This week, I had friends thrilled by my sister's gift of a gnome. I had dinner with a friend I'd met because she's friends with a friend I met online, and later at a LOTR event, after she asked me to write a historical romance, and look where that has led me! I'm celebrating with friends who have banded together to learn how to become healthier, mentally and physically and spiritually. I've had the opportunity to support several author friends, most of whom I haven't met, yet. I've devoured books I was introduced to by my online friends. I know what some of my friends have been through, because they have been willing to share with me, and they are amazing people. I'm honored to know them, and call them my friends.

My friends have lifted me, inspired me, encouraged me, and pushed me to be a better person.

My friends help me remember how to laugh when life becomes overwhelming (FaceBook Find):


  1. Yay for friends you haven't met (yet) -- I'm one of them!

    I hope to call this weekend for a change. ;-) We're running away to Wisconsin for a day or two, yay!

    1. Yes, you are! Someday! Looking forward to chatting! :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.