Sunday, April 29, 2012

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #100

~Franklin Santagate 53 minute interview part 1 of 5 on It's a New Day:
Every week, I'm going to post the next part, because I want to see the whole thing. I figure posting one part at a time will give me the opportunity to absorb what I learned.

~The opportunity to participate in the Desert Dreams Writers' Conference.

~Rain! Blessed rain!

~I love P.Croissant! The food is delicious, and it's fun meeting friends there.

~Finished the rough editing for one of my books, and my editor contacted me to start edits next week. It's begun. I'm really doing this. I need a fainting emoticon. :-)


  1. Welcome home! Yay for edits, in spite of the fainting!

  2. Move over! I'm fainting with you. This is such marvelous news. Well on your way to being published. Life si good!!!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.