Monday, April 16, 2012

Carpe diem... stuck in Egypt...

Rabbi Daniel Lapin's most recent newsletter focused on Passover. He wondered how many are stuck in Egypt. “Our Egypt?” you ask. Yes, our slavery to whatever circumstances block the path to our own Divine destiny. Thought Tools by Rabbi Daniel Lapin

I have some thinking to do.

In the meantime, there are things that need to be done. It's Monday, and I'm claiming it.




~Make cake. Maybe. Time to try the new ideas. Actually, I have some eggs I need to prep for the freezer, and I want to have some ready for use in cakes. The others are ready for use in cookies. :-) Life is too short not to have some fun, too.

There are things I want to change in my life. I need to start within my mind.


  1. That was an interesting article, thanks for mentioning it!

    I have some claiming to do in order to make my Monday effective, as well.

    I'm curious about eggs and the freezer. How do you prepare them and how do you use them afterwards from the freezer?

  2. You're welcome, Margaret. I love Rabbi Lapin.

    To freeze eggs, scramble. You can add salt or sugar as a preservative. When I thaw for use they're a little thicker but it doesn't change how they work. They'll last for three months or so in the freezer, at least that's what they say. I've left them longer and haven't noticed a difference. Of course, food value decreases the longer something is in the freezer. What's nice is I buy my eggs when they are on sale, and they'll last until they're on sale again. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.