Friday, April 20, 2012


Over at Anxiety Ate My Homework, on Wednesday, was a post about how to access emotions in order to change those emotions. I'm going to give it a try, to see if I can learn to feel more confident, learn to master the anxiety and depression I've lived with all my life.

The worst that can happen is it doesn't work.

I'm adding drinking herbal tea, every day, to my routine. Beth Trissel posted this at her blog:

It set me to thinking. When I feel the most self-confident is when I'm in L.A. My friends all notice a difference in me, after I've spent a weekend there. So that's going to be my visualization. When I'm in L.A., my friend Jan always makes sure I have herbal tea available. We'll sit on her balcony and chat and drink tea and enjoy the ocean breeze. You can't see the ocean from her place, but you can smell it sometimes. So, starting today, I'm going to practice my visualization and have a cup of tea to re-enforce my determination to treat myself better.

I was born and raised a slave in Egypt, referring back to Rabbi Daniel Lapin's article. Today, I will begin to learn to think differently. Today is a new beginning. I will break the chains of slavery, one step at a time, starting today.

Thanks, Kiki. :-)


  1. My prayers are with you in your new beginning and your challenges. Growing herbs is also very uplifting, seeing the plants, inhaling the different fragrances, using fresh herbs in cooking. Some aid in calming and soothing distressed spirits. I drink a lot of green tea and peppermint for my health, but you might also benefit from chamomile. I did a post on herbal sleep pillows you might also like:

    1. Thanks, Beth! I've used lavender for years, but have never made a concerted effort to include tea every day as one of my routines for taking care of me, even though it's one of the little pleasant rituals of my visits to California. I've thought about including it here at home, but never followed through. Your post, coupled with the one from Anxiety Ate My Homework, hit home. Maybe it's simply a matter of me being ready to make the changes I want to make in my life. I do know it's the little things that eventually turn into the big things. Thanks for letting me follow along on your journey.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.