Saturday, April 14, 2012

My Heroes... Hugh Jackman...

A little while ago, I saw an interview with Hugh Jackman, on Theater Talk. It was fascinating and amazing, and I came away feeling inspired. The interview is less than 25 minutes.

I'm posting it here, so I can watch it any time. He's a remarkable man, beside being gorgeous and having a great accent. :-) Did you know he also narrates the cooking show Kimchi Chronicles, and he and his wife sometimes are guests? Now, you do.


  1. I never knew he could sing until the Oscars and then he just literally blew me away. The opening sequence - I sat there with my mouth open!

    1. HE was why I watched those Oscars. The only reason. :-D


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.