Friday, April 13, 2012

Bah! Humbug...

I've thought about coloring my hair. I've debated. I've discussed it with others. I've hemmed. I've hawed. I've dabbled. This week, I actually looked at the hair color stuff at the store. "Test on skin 48-hours before using, for allergic reaction." I'm allergic to a lot of things. "Use gloves. Do not allow to touch skin." I try to be neat. I really do, but life happens. I was not good at coloring inside the lines. And okay, I "get" using the gloves because it would color your hands. Still, there has to be another way. I was using tea on my hair for a while. It muted the gray, and to be honest, I liked how my hair felt and looked. It actually did make a difference, but I... shoot, I was lazy. I quit. So, back to it.

Another change. I was willing to pay $2.50 for a piece of cake, which I'd eat over two days. This week, I could buy cake mix and frosting for $2.70. Even if I'm really generous with the pieces, ie, that's 8 pieces of cake. I'll try to be good, and make it more. Cake freezes nicely. I'm trying to be smarter about my money, so I bought the mix and frosting.

Re-evaluating how I treat treats. (Couldn't resist that one.) Anyway, I want to be healthy. My body needs healthy food to be healthy. It only makes sense. Old habits need junk food to feel safe. How stupid is that? When do I stop allowing the past to decide my present and my future? Okay, no going cold turkey, but I will be better.

What has fallen victim to PMS, this week? Besides my temper, my patience, and my concentration?

*1 bag of Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans, 10 servings gobbled up in 4 days. *sigh*
*1 Dove milk chocolate Fairy Bunny, 3 servings inhaled in less than 20 minutes. *hrmph*
*1 box of Hostess Ding Dongs, in 3 days. *pfft*

Did I do anything right? Actually, yes, I did. Everything else was carefully planned and portioned. The above stuff was in addition. With it gone, there is no more addition. I've never been one for removing temptation from the house, because I know if I don't have treats available I will binge on other things. However, I think if I stick to what I know I'm able to control, and keep out of the house what I can't seem to control, then I'll have a better chance of improving my eating. I know I'll feel better.

Important notice: The health "experts" (I'm using the term very loosely) have declared you don't need to drink 8 cups of water every day. You can eat it, and you'll have the other health benefits of additional nutritional value. To those so-called experts I say *PFFT* You're slow on your testing. I've already tried it, and I was on the fast track to kidney problems. I can't even trade out milk or juice for water. I can have milk and juice in addition to the water, but it does not substitute. Water flushes the kidneys, you know those organs that help clear toxins from your system. If you drink too much water, you can overwork your kidneys. If you don't drink enough water, your kidneys have trouble flushing out those toxins. I remind myself these are the same "experts" who bounce back and forth between whether or not eggs are good for you faster than a Wimbledon tennis match. Which leads into the newest bits of idiocy. The "new" train of thought is that drugs should be legalized. So, we are banning sugar, salt, and fat, because they are dangerous, and legalizing drugs, which are dangerous. What kind of stupid, insane logic is that?


  1. and all. (Yes I mean both ways.)

    1. Not that you know anything about narcs... :-D Yep, you've pegged it.

  2. My inhaled item these days is chocolate fudge poptarts -- name brand, generic brand, they're all good. If they are in the house, I eat them. They are a useful snack when I need something quick, but I think it's better if they are not in the house. But I keep buying them....

    1. Ooooo those sound yummy.... must resist... think I'll have a cookie... hopeless.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.