Monday, July 23, 2012

Carpe diem... will I?

I've already caught up on cooking. I have Pumpkin Cookies by Rhonda Plumhoff and Chocolate Chip Cookies by Joanne Fluke in my freezer. They both freeze very nicely and cook up in the toaster oven. Fresh cookies. Whoohoo! I also made my variation of German Chocolate Cake. I love cooking.

Saturday, I spent the day editing Hidden Possibilities. Nothing serious, simply spot editing. I'd thought it would only take a few hours and as usual I was wrong. My editing always takes much longer than I planned. I'm distracted as I work. I don't mean I do other things. I mean I notice other things within the body of the work I can improve, so I do.

Today, I want...I will work on Mark's Grace.

I'm currently caught up with all other work. I'll do laundry tomorrow or the next day.

Oops. I need to defrost the fridge. Sigh. I hate how much time it takes, but it needs to be done, so I will do it.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.